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The Digiegg of Light:

Digimentals/Digieggs are used to Armor Digivolve.

Armor: Light

  • Owner: Kari
  • Veemon > Gargoylemon
  • Wormmon > Quatlmon
  • Armadillomon > Seahorsemon
  • Patamon > Mambomon
  • Hawkmon > Harpymon
  • Gatomon > Nefertimon


  • Gargoylemon:White Statue, Black Statue
  • Quatlmon:Freeze Wave, Fossil Wave
  • Seahorsemon:Prism Rainbow
  • Mambomon:Balloon Bomb
  • Harpymon:Silent Symphony, Wind Seeker
  • Nefertimon:Rosetta Stone, Curse of Queen,Golden Noose,Head's Eye Beam Back