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TK's Digimon

  • Name: Poyomon
  • Number: 13
  • Level: Baby
  • Group: Micro
  • Type: Data
  • Size: 5G
  • Attack: Bubble blow
    When TK’s digimon was in his egg, the egg was white with yellow horizontal stripes. Out of this egg hatches Poyomon, a tiny white jellyfish Digimon.
  • Name: Tokomon
  • Number: 7
  • Level: In-training
  • Group: Micro
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Size: 10G
  • Attack: Bubble blow
    His In-training stage is Tokomon. He's in this stage when he meets T.K. for the first time. He looks like a little white rabbit-pig. He is very enthusiastic and has a big set of teeth.
  • Name: Patamon
  • Number: 14
  • Level: Rookie
  • Group: Mammal
  • Type: Data
  • Size: 20G
  • Attack: Boom bubble (air shock): an explosion of compressed air fired at his enemies.
  • Attack 2: Slamming attack
  • Special Ability: Flying
    When Tokomon digi-volves he become Patamon, a cute orange Digimon with bat-like wings for ears. Patamon watches over T.K. like an older brother himself, but he's T.K.'s best friend at the same time. Unless evil Digimon are attacking them, these two view the Digiworld as most little kids do, as a place of magic and fun. Patamon is very sensitive and hates it whenever he and T.K. argue. He is very obedient though and they are the best of friends.
  • Name: Angemon
  • Number: 43
  • Level: Champion
  • Group: Angel
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Size: 20G
  • Attack: Hand of Fate/ Hand of Destiny
  • Attack 2: Angel
  • Special Ability: Flying
    Patamon's Champion form is Angemon, an angel with six wings. This Digimon is so amazingly strong he defeated Devimon! He is noble and pure, a true force of good which can banish all evil.
  • Name: MagnaAngemon (HolyAngemon)
  • Number: 88
  • Level: Ultimate
  • Group: Angel
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Size: 24G
  • Attack: Gate of Destiny: a circular gate appears and draws enemies in before disappearing.
  • Attack 2: Angel Rod
  • Attack 3: Magna Antidote: this is used to change everyone back from being keychains.
  • Special Ability: Flying
    During the battle with the last Dark Master Piedmon, T.K. hears Matt telling him never to give up. T.K.'s hope enabled Angemon to finally digi-volve into MagnaAngemon, his Ultimate form! This angel has eight wings and the sword Excalibur.

  • Name: Seraphimon
  • Level: Mega
  • Group: Angel
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Attack: Seven Heavens
  • Attack 2: Hallowed Knuckle
  • Special Ability: Flying
    TK's Mega Digimon is Seraphimon. Seraphimon does not feature in the anime series but is in Digimon the Movie. He has 10 golden wings.

    Season 2


    Patamon is back and as cute as ever. Still attacking with his classic Boom Bubble, this little Rookie has rejoined with T.K. to battle the evil Digimon Emperor. Unlike the new Digi-Destined Digimon, when he goes to the real world he remains as Patamon, probably because of his experience.
  • Name: Pegasusmon
  • Number: 43
  • Level: Armor
  • Group: Holy Beast
  • Type: Vaccine/ Armor
  • Attack: Star Shower
  • Attack: Golden Noose
  • Attack: Aqueous Beam
  • Attack: Wind Mane
  • Special Ability: Flying
    Patamon's armor digi-volution is Pegasusmon: Flying Hope.

    Angemon can DNA Digivolve with Ankylomon to form Shakkoumon (See DNA Digimon)

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