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My Yolei Page:

Yolei Seson 2Yolei is a short-tempered girl, but is also sentimental. Like Mimi, she's quick to cry and doesn't want to fight. She lives in the same block of apartments as T.K. and Cody, and has known the younger boy for some time. She has an older sister. Her interests include computers. Her family Yolei's Familyruns a convenience store, which she works at sometimes. This is why she's the one who usually keeps the Digimon fed while they're in the real world, though her family doesn't really approve of all the food she's taking.
Although she loves her family she often wishes she was an only child.

Yolei's Digimon: Poromon > Hawkmon > Aquilamon
Armor Digimon: Halsemon, Shurimon
DNA Digimon: Silphymon

Yolei 25 years after Season 2
25 years later:
Yolei and Ken are married with 3 children, a girl (eldest) and 2 boys. They are detectives but Yolei does all the housework as well.

Yolei, Ken and the Kids

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