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The gallery
Ah, Geo-sama! Such bumbling grace! Such
personality and looks wrapped up in one
package! Such a nice, hot sexy body ^~!! Well, here
they are - my gallery full of Geo, Geo, Geo, and...Geo!
Because they're thumbnails...well you know the
routine by now, right? If there's a picture here that I
was rude and stole without giving credit, then by all
means tell me! And you're all welcome to any picture do you think I got these?

Oh, yes...I'm such a man!
I have no idea why this picture is even here...doesn't Geo look constupated?
Because Chibi Eagle ran off with his chibi lollipop
Gee, Eagle? What are we going to do tonight? ~_~ The same thing we do every night, Geo...TRY TO TAKE OVER CEPHIRO!
why, Zazu...why did you flush Mr. Fishy when I DISTINCTLY said I wanted to give him a proper burial?
It's a bird! it's a plane! It's....Rayearth??!!!
A little bit of yaoi fanservice here.
Here come the Men in Green...oh, man that's corny. Gomen, minna!
*grumbles* incompetent animators...forgetting to put that sexy little scar on there....*grumble*
Probably trying to think of something smart.
ADHD affects people at any age...and on any planet
DAAAAA!!!! MY BODY!!! ~*if I had money I'd buy this one!*~
I can smell your fear...
Eagle...what was in those brownies you ate earlier?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ^-^
I dare say, Geo...but it does look like you as if have put on a little weight.
Be sure to stay in the lines ^-^
Hey, Geo...where do babies come from?
Geo has an X/1999 moment ^-^
Cue the webmistress to melt!
Geo and Zazu attempt to solve a magic eye
Expelling vast amounts of testosterone and anger at the same time...what a man!
It's little known knowledge that Geo is more or less Lafarga with black hair and better bod an better personality and better everything.
There's obviously something very entertaining going on to Geo's left. Oh, yeah, there's a bunch of other people in there too.
HE'S WEARING HIS MILITARY UNIFORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE WAS SO HOT IN THE MANGA LIKE THIS!!!!!!! *dies from a nosebleed*
I just HAD to have an encore presentation of this!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................yummy ^-^