2001: DragonBallz
Dragon Ballz
Dragon Ball
Earth Ballz (Only wish for one thing at a time)
5 int
Your PL multiplied by 1.5
1 item from dbz-store
wish a friend back from the dead
Namek Ballz (2 days from earth to namek.)(Only wish for 2 things at a time)
15 int
Your pl multiplied by 2.5
2 items from dbz-store
wish 2 people back from the dead
Dark Star Ballz (1 day from namek unless you have upgrades)(Only wish for 4 things at a time)
30 int
your pl multiplied by 3.5
4 items from z store
wish 3 people back from the dead
Travel Times
(If your on earth)
Earth to Namek=1 day
Earth to New Namek=2 days
Earth to Vegeta=3 days
Earth to New Vegeta=4 days
Earth to Yadrat=5 days
Earth to Big Ghetti Star=6 days
Earth to darkstar=1 week
Now just count on that right now till i get the rest up.