Tips in playing Graduation
Game Objectives:
You are the high school homeroom teacher of five students who possess
different natural abilities and talents. As their homeroom teacher your duty
is to provide balance to their academic schedules and provide them with
guidance on social activities that will make them better students. This
requires patience, balance, and firmness. Can you get all five girls to
graduate? Well if your interested in making seeing all the events try some stuff
like free study whole year long, slack off, party with your students, anger them,
love them by giving attention until marry you marry them! YES! All can be married
if their freindship,charm, respect and you being so attached to them you can marry
them all! But your ranking is a complete failiure! Also watch out for the principal!
You might end up marrying him! (I think he's gay!) and if one of the students get
explusion the game will reset! just remember the "KEY" is balance so try not have
favorites and try to tutor them, but don't stress the girls out! OH LORD GOD!! I'm
The one who is getting stressed out and being presured here!!! AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!!!! @_@
Student descriptions:
Misa is the temperamental class leader. She is a better student than her
classmates are and her strengths are in English and History.
(She is not much of a problem just work on her charm so she won't get into student fights, especialy Sari!)
Sari has a tomboy personality. She is tough and her strongest subject is in
History.(Sari needs to learn respect and studiousness so work on these and try to tutor and give her lessons to increase her skills and knowlegde.)
Cyndi thinks nothing is more interesting to her than shopping. She is the
mood maker for the class, so do not let her influence the other students.
English is her best subject.(Work on her studiousness, but try not to get her stressed out!)
Rica is a problem solver and has very strong math skills. She can sometimes
be a troublemaker in the classroom. Her personality and appearance is more
immature than the other students.(She's mostly average so work on all her skills and pay her a little more attention or she'll get moody!)
Myna has very strong computer skills. Her favorite subjects are English and
Math. Also, she is fragile and not physically adept.(She's also average, but work on her strength and stamina so she won't get to exuasted.)
Attribute Parameter Explanations:
Stamina- Your students overall physical well-being base.
Strength- Student's physical condition. Reduced the student becomes hungry, tired, and sick.
Friendliness- when low your students lose respect for you and won't talk to you.
Respect- Students become very disrespectful when this is low. Attendance in
class declines and the student becomes arrogant until you give her attention.
Elegance- when low the student's behavior becomes disruptive. When too high
the student becomes madly in love with you but sustains emotional damage.
Charm- when high the student has a lot of friends in the classroom.
Studiousness- Students love of learning. When high this has a positive
effect on the academic progress of a student. If it is too high however the
student may burnout and become unstable. English, History, Math- Students
knowledge in each of these respective subjects. The higher this stat is the better.
Profs Coments:
Being an expreinced teacher this is what I have to say for these girls....
You teach them, some are not interested, some don't wanna learn from me!
some get to stressed out, when you pay attention to one student the other gets moody!
These young girls you can't understand there minds! Be freindly to them they get rebelious
or distrusts you, to much elegance the become to emotional and they fall in love with you
madly! Sometimes they might hate you! And by the end of the whole year what do you get for
thanks? "PROFESSOR YOU SUCK!!" Ungreatful little $%@#icthes! Aren't they?! Either way there
only human they have there own problems too to deal with life and it's based on real emotions
of young women with there own dreams and thoughts for their future, maybe hard to get
them say "PROFESSOR THANK YOU FOR THE WHOLE YEAR", but still do your best as a good teacher
and think about your students...But what about my life!! There driving me nuts!...Oh well that's life!! -_-
Things you see on the screen as you play on weekdays.
Each class subject has a 10 Point evaluation grade system: The student's
grade in each class subject and an overall evaluation score are indicated.
As the teacher you also select your teaching style. You can be strict,
lenient, or let the students engage in free study. The day and the month of
your class is visible on the lower left corner of the screen. Please keep in
mind the Japanese school year runs from April until March. The command bar is
located on the lower right section of the screen. This is where you choose
commands and plan the activities of your students. The save command is located here.
Leadership results are on the bottom of the 10 Point evaluation screen. Your
teaching style, the focus subject of the class and seating order of the
students affects how much of a change each student will learn on an
individual day. The Individual Parameter Indicator shows how each student is individually progressing.
Things you see every day while teaching.
The classroom scene: When you are teaching you can see the student's behavior
and appearance. If they are sick or the general state of affairs of the
class can be seen. But their whereabouts if they have runaway can not be
Learning Indicator.
During each week of class there are pencils that appear
above the students head. The small green pencils represent a statistic of
one. The larger red pencils represent a statistic of ten. These pencils
represent learning--the more of them the student receives, the better.
Weekday Commands:
Start Class-starts the teaching of classes for that particular week. In this
game you focus on one core subject per week.
Focus Student-helps you give a student having a little bit of trouble some
extra attention. But be careful. Focusing too much attention on one student
affects how the other students in the class learn as well.
Focus Subject-is the subject of class you will teach that particular week.
Teaching Style-How strict or lenient will your approach with your students
be. Free study allow the students to study on their own.
Seating-Move the mouse cursor over a student and click the left mouse button.
Now move the cursor to another student and click the left button to change
positions with the first student selected. The happy faces over the
character heads indicate how they get along and feel about that particular
seating move. Be careful class seating also changes how well a student may
learn that week.
Weekend Commands:
Student's Plans- On weekends you can change your students activities to either
improve their personal attributes or give them additional tutoring in a
subject they are having some trouble with. You can only change the schedule
of one particular girl each weekend. There are classes such as aerobics or
flower-arranging, which build the student's character, increasing strength,
charm, or elegance. You can tutor a student in a particularly weak subject.
Or you can allow a student to rest, restoring stamina points.
Professor's Plans- you can determine your whereabouts if you want to check up
on your students during the weekend. You options are to visit either the
classroom, remain in your office, or go off-campus to observe the situation.
Depending on your selections you will either run into your students during
the weekend or avoid them as much as possible. On campus (in the classroom
or your office), you can consult with individual students, give them advice
or give them presents. Off-campus, you may find a student working
(a violation of the school rules) or getting in trouble.
Searching for runaways- if one your students has lost all trust in you and
has runaway from school you must search for her. Your choices are to look in
the nightlife, suburbs, or housing districts. If you find her you can
convince her to come back to school.
Tests- there are two midterms and final exams during the school year. Your
students can be tested at three different academic levels. Determine how
good your students do on these exams by giving them a proper education during
the year.
Events-There are numerous entertainment events to keep you happy. Like the
Sports Meet where students battle for supremacy on a track field. The School
Play, and Cultural Festival where your students come up with interesting ways
to raise money for a school fund raiser.
System Commands:
Save-backup a game in progress by clicking the right mouse button on one of
the eight data file fields. You can give a data file its own unique name.
Load-to play a saved data file click the left mouse button on a data file
after selecting load.
Settings-There are two things to set in the systems area. Auto classes On or
Off which allows you to have each week's classes progress without a mouse
click in between each day. Left click the mouse button if you would like
this feature on. Or left mouse click Off if you wish to deactivate this feature.
Speed selection is a feature that makes the play of each day pass by either
slow or fast.
Quit-allows you to quit a game in progress. You should save your game data
before you quit a game.
Mouse Commands-
To execute a mouse command position the cursor and use a left
mouse button click. To cancel a command or selection or to go backwards a
level on the menu use a right mouse button click.
Keyboard Commands-
The Return key and Space key accept commands.
ESC key and the 0 key on the 10 key cancels commands.
*Panic Button for the boss or mom. Press F1. Use a Left mouse button click
on Graduation on the taskbar to resume.(this takes out the background sound and hides the game!)
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NOTE: I don't wanna get sued by just making a websites for a game I like! GRADUTAION (Sim Game) is
alrights reserved by Mixx Entertainment Inc. and Original Japanese Version by Headroom/Tenky, Image
Works Co. Ltd. and all capcom game images here are from Capcom. ^_^