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CC Com Fighters


NAME :Jecie James Palabay
Height : 7'
Weight : over
Blod Type: C+ SPECIAL MOVE: HYAKUSEN KAMIGIRI (1,000,000 papaer cuts) tap B(100x) and press F+A

Profile : A megalomaniac who want's to rule the publishing world, the multi-media and Disneyland! He will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Unfortunately the people he has hired do all his dirty deeds and have turned against him! Now he has to summon the Dark Forces to extract his revenge!

SAYING: "You must beat my deadline in order to beat me!"


NAME : Elmer Damaso
A.K.A. : I.Q. 40 Memer
Height : 5'
Weight : ultra-light
Blood Type: contaminated!
SPECIAL MOVE: Aoi-enpitsuken(blue pencil strike) press B,DB,DF,F,B,BU,UF,F THEN PRESS A+B+C+D

Profile : He has been belittled and insulted by his collegues since childhood. After discovering the hidden temple of Ordered of Blue Pencilled Tracers near the Laguna de bay areana, and trained for 6 years under the tutelage of Traiser Pope the ever-living, he has returned to show the world that he is not a girl! Accompanied by his trusty sidekick Memer II, he will read the world of evil and perversion.

SAYING: "Yahoo!!! I'm the strongest woman in the world" (NYEK!)


A.K.A. : Taga-ilog
Height : 7' with bucket 3'5 with out!
Weight : 2 tons
Blood Type: Arial
SPECIAL MOVE:Shinning Twinky Snowflake Bucket Attack, Hold B+Hold+ Hold U + Hold D simultaneously X,K,D,Q

Profile : Little is known about dis fighter who specailizes in hidding techniques. It is rumored that Taga-ilog is a water boy for an underground warehouse in a red light district formally known as Trallala... Now out of job and out of order , he has joined CCcom fighting circle in hopes in creating an army to follow his twisted and worthless cause of brining love,hope,friendship and trust to the world! Really Sick!!!

SAYING: "You can't fire me, I quit!"


NAME : Jerald Beltran
A.K.A. : J.I.O.,Viru-scum!!!
Height : 9'7
Weight : 2 grams
Blood Type: nano-tech plasmabots
SPECIAL MOVE:KPT-Ultra-deluxe Add Noise WITH Feathered Technique Press U,U,D,D,L,R,B,A,B,A then press reset (In PC: Presets Control F4, control + alt + delete)

Profile : In the yr. 2050 A.D. discovered in the deepests darkest regionof Africa the Viral Strain Jungle Intrigo Order was belived to be the holy grail of viral cure. Accidentally injected to J.I.O. virus by a vet, Jerald turned into the most dreadful but the most amiable of all- creatures, A humaniod P!!! 5.5 gig Photo Shop vs G4 gaming console With the dreaded KPT moves, Jio is able to freeze any computer flatform be it PC, MAC, PS3, GAME N WATCH or Digital Alarm Clock. But soon he will meet his end. Who knows maybe his AA -batteries would bite the dust-?

SAYING: "I won't Quit!!! you must fire me!!!"

HENTAI! BASTOS!! PERVERT!!! Bat' meron nito dito?!!!

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Culture Crash Comics is created by James Palabay Ent. Inc. (James's is D BOSS! ^^')