Culture Crash News Archive
Hi there!! I'm Memer II I'll be the one maintaining the news old and new!
Welcome Again to Rusty's Culture Crash Site. I'll be the one who'll manage
any updates or latest happenings in the CC stories in the comic! Good thing
I work 24 hours a day with out pay from my boss! Click me to go back to main!
April 31, 2001
Special Thanks To RB (he's my cousin) who constructed this Culture Crash website! Now I'm
maintaining the updates and sites! OH yes This page is under very heavy heavy? Like I'm lifting the world at my back!
So I'll take the pages one at a time...sorry for those Culture Crash Pages that are not yet finished.
Oh my cousin also has a site, but he does not update it anymore (I think it has been about 3 years!!!),
his site is called RB'S WEBPAGE Thanks alot CUZ for making this
Culture Crash site!!!
May 1, 2001
I've just finished the new Cat's Trail profile! Click here to see!! And some
news about Cat's Trail and Solstice Butterfly logo in the main page. In Cat's Trail there will be a new character coming maybe
in Issue.7 of CC comics named Whompers and a mystery character named Sir Alfred see my CT site and learn more about her! Oh my logo in Solstice Butterfly is realy DIZZY the boss from the game in D.C.'s (DreamCast) Guilty Gear X, made by Altus allrights reserved, I still don't have any images of Solstice Butterfly so wait for futher updates.
May 11, 2001
Whoooo! What a week! got a new Culture Crash links page and updated a few mistakes in my sites.