Age: 15

Ethnic origin: Arabian

Place of origin: L4 colony cluster

Height: 156 cm

Weight: 41 kg

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Platinum gold

Quatre is a young aristocrat, the thirtieth child - and only son - of a wealthy family of space colony developers. Though he's the most tender-hearted and gentle of the Gundam pilots, Quatre is just as brave and determined, and has defied his family's wishes in order to join the battle against Oz. Quatre is aided by a troop of forty loyal underlings and can draw on the Winner family's vast resources, assets which more than make up for his relative lack of fighting skill.

The Gundam Sandrock was created at the L4 colony cluster, using the resources of the wealthy Winner family. This powerful, heavily-armored Gundam is designed for hand-to-hand combat, and is particularly well-suited to desert conditions. Its main weapons are the curved, heat-radiating blades of its heat shotels; the Sandrock is strong enough to wield one of these huge blades with a single hand, or strike simultaneously with both. The Sandrock can mount its backpack, shield, and both heat shotels on its forearm to perform a deadly pincer attack called the "cross crusher."

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