They could see the mobile dolls steaking towards them, guns at the ready. Quatre and Heero were waiting for them in their Gundams.
"Using machines to do the job of humans is pure cowardice." Heero said.
"Yes." Quatre agreed. "They think it keeps their hands free of blood."
The Wing Zero drew its light-sword from the hilt in one swift movement and started forward. "Let's go." Heero said.
Quatre's Sandrock gripped the curved sabres and started after Heero. Focus on the battle, he thought to himself.
He saw an explosion ahead and knew that Heero had begun his grisly work. Quatre was not far behind. Quatre dodged the dolls' gunfire, and when he reached them he began slashing about, moving on when the dolls exploded. Quatre was used to hearing human screams when their mobile suits blew up, but since the mobile dolls had no flesh-and-blood pilots, there was an eerie silence over the radio.
Quatre glanced over his shoulder briefly to watch Heero in his element. He darted from mobile doll to mobile doll like a bee darting between flowers. But to Heero, these flowers were without the nectar he seemed to feed off of.
Quatre turned back around just in time to see a mobile doll had moved close enough to him for a point-blank shot. Quatre cursed at himself for the momentary lapse in attention. One slash, and the mobile doll had no arms. Another slash, and its soulless life was at an end. The Sandrock blasted off in another direction to wreak more destruction before the explosion could hit him.
A few minutes later the battle was over. Sandrock and Wing Zero were floating next to each other amongst their work in a brief respite. Quatre was breathing hard and reflecting when a window popped up on his screen and Heero's face was there.
"You did good, Quatre." He said.
Quatre blushed. He just wasn't used to Heero being like this. Just then another window opened up.
"Great job, you guys." Noin said. "That should make them think twice about underestimating you."
"Thank you." Quatre said. He noticed movement behind Noin. Duo was peeking over her shoulder and pulling funny faces at the screen. Quatre tried to keep a straight face, but when Duo pulled his long braid over his head and rolled his eyes around comically, Quatre couldn't help it. He burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Noin asked. Then she looked behind her. Duo barely flicked his braid back over his head in time. He just gave the confused Noin a charming smile and walked away, which had Quatre laughing hysterically. Noin just shook her head. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quatre was in the Sandrock again, but he wasn't just fighting mobile dolls. He was fighting Aries and Taurus suits as well. And all of the other Gundam pilots were their in their own mobile suits. He could hear Trowa grunting, Heero growling, Wufei yelling and Duo whooping.
"Yee-hah! Isn't this fun, Quatre?" Duo yelled as he ripped into a Taurus. Quatre noticed that there was no screaming of dying pilots. That's when out of nowhere came Zechs in the Epyon. The next thing Quatre knew, the Epyon was descending on the Wing Zero.
"No! Heero!" Quatre yelled. He tried to get the Sandrock to move, to intercept the Epyon, but his Gundam wouldn't move.
The Epyon's whip came down on the Wing Zero, and Quatre heard Heero's anguished scream as the Wing Zero exploded.
"Noooooooo!!" Quatre screamed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quatre woke up screaming and thrashing. He fell out of the bed with a loud thump. He got onto his hands and knees and was breathing hard.
That was one of the scariest dreams I've ever had, Quatre thought.
"Quatre?" A voice said above him. He looked up and saw Heero kneeling down in front of him. "Quatre, are you okay?"
Against what was probably his better judgement, Quatre practically threw himself into Heero's arms and started sobbing into his chest.
"We were fighting...all five of suits and dolls...Epyon attacked you, destroyed you, and I...I couldn't move..."
Heero didn't know what to do at first, but then he put his arms around Quatre, rocking him and trying to calm him.
"Shh. It's okay, I'm here, I'm just fine. It was just a bad dream, Quatre."
Quatre looked up at him, tears still forming rivers on his face. Heero wiped them away. "If it makes you feel better, if that ever did happen, I would get him before he got me." He said, smiling.
Quatre smiled back. He cuddled closer to Heero, who kissed him on the top of his head, then rested his cheek there. After a few seconds Heero reluctantly pried Quatre off him and stood up.
"Well, um, I guess I'll...go back to my room." He said.
"No, please." Quatre said, standing up. "Um, please stay. It's so lonely in here." He sounded desperate, he knew, but he really didn't want Heero to leave him, not after the dream he had.
Heero hesitated, but only for a second. "Alright."
When they got in bed, Quatre snuggled up to Heero and quickly fell asleep, feeling safer than he'd ever felt before.
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