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Wednesday, 22 November 2006
God damnit!: Part 2
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: 'If I Were Your Woman' - Alicia Keys
Okay. I'm calm now, but not calm enough to start working on the chapter again. I need a bit more time to mellow out. Probably another day or two.

God. Ya'll have no idea how truly mind-blowingly pissed I was.

I can't wait until I see my family tomorrow. I really, really need a hug.

It's not that I can't just spit out what I had before. I don't think I can. For those of you that write, you know that you have to be in a certain mind-frame to do that, and I haven't been in that mind-frame for a long time. I haven't been writing alot lately, one, because of my assignment, but also, now it turns out the landlord for the place I'm staying in during this assignment has been coming in and out, looking through the cabin and my stuff. I don't know why. I found out when he issued a complaint against me that I had something I wasn't supposed to have (space heaters) and that one had to be removed. Considering that I have the windows closed and blocked up right now because of the cold weather, the only way he could have known about the heaters was if he has been INSIDE to see them. I haven't reported any needed maintainence, and I told my recruiter such. I also told her that if I came home and saw the cunt inside for any reason, I was going to knife his ass. So it's been hell sleeping at night, knowing that the son of a bitch was probably trying on my underwear or something.

God, I'm so tired of everything right now. I'm going to bed.

Posted by Karen at 18:44 CST
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Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 20:59 CST

Name: SLBSelby

Whoa. Can't you change the locks? Or add a new one (in addition to the old)? There can't be anything in your housing contract that allows for your landlord entering the premises without at least notifying you first.

Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 21:02 CST

Name: SLBSelby

And losing the story? That SUCKS.

Monday, 4 December 2006 - 15:08 CST

Name: Karen

I thought about that, and asked my sister who manages aparment properties. She said I can't change the locks, because the property is not in my name, and I could be prosecuted for doing so. You're right though, he *should* be notifying me, but at the same time I can't prove that he's been here. There have been days when I've come home, and it's felt like someone has been in there, you know? But I always blew it off because nothing had been stolen. I'd leave money out, or my laptop's been sitting near the door, and they weren't bothered. Othertimes though, I couldn't recall turning on the fan, or moving something, but the fan would be on or the object moved. I am such a scatterbrain sometimes that I figured I did these things, but can't remember. It's okay though. Since then I've been super-alert. (And been making little boobie traps just in case).

Yeah, I lost the story, but I'm working on getting it back.

Tuesday, 5 December 2006 - 15:31 CST

Name: SLBSelby

That's a creepy feeling, when you're sure *something* isn't quite right.

And even if you can't *change* the locks, could you add another one? Like, in addition to the one already installed?

Tuesday, 5 December 2006 - 17:37 CST

Name: Karen

I'm not sure, really. I didn't ask my sister that. I probably could, but I'm not willing. I only have four more weeks and then I'm outta here. I just leave the rest to my boobie traps. Muahahaha!

Monday, 11 December 2006 - 07:38 CST

Name: SLBSelby


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