The Winners' Booty

Awards for: 2004 | Winter 2002 | Spring 2002 | Winter 2001
Best Overall
Good Fortune


Trowa as an sickly, wealthy man and Quatre as his 'employee' is really interesting, especially with Duo in the mix!



I wasn't surprised to find that Quatre was what he was. I figured that much would happen, but I never saw the ending coming....
Best Villain
Uchuu no Kokoro


I really liked the analogy Quatre had for that 'Fateful Day' with the weather. Really clung to the mood of the story.
Best Drama
Moonless Night


The lyrics to the song where great, and matched Duo perfectly. It was great how she included the Japanese lyrics, as well as the English.
Here's the participation banner for all of you brave souls that wrote/judged or just came to visit! Thank you all!