Ah, welcome to the page devoted to my crummy paint program. These pics are rare due to the fact they're killer on my hand! My paint program suffers from a major pixel by pixel problem. But I can't deny it does make 'em look way better than my normal pics. So maybe this gallery has a chance to grow into more. Maybe!
Is there any wonder why I started the page off with this pic?! I love the detail work done here, especially on Tamy's costume. (Just look at that skirt. Would have big a black blob if I had to color it normally...*sweatdrop.*)
As for the pic itself, that's Dom dressed as Xena, while Tamy has donned a Callisto outfit. It's loosely based on that one part of the Quarantine fic. I say loosely since, in the actual fic, Tamy sneezed her self into a human blonde, and here she's still a Drule. And that's Zarkon knocked out in the background.
It's Cleo-baby in color! OOOOH!! AHHHH!! ^_-
More Cleosious madness! Evil sure has a pretty face, no?
Lotor getting married to....PRINCESS CORRAL?! What the....Allura as a party guest?! No, the world has not turned topsy turvey, at least not for us! Lotor however...!
I did this pic for my Rules of Engagement fanfic. And no...it's not a spoiler...at least...I don't think so! It's a non HT Voltron tale, dealing with the aftermaths of the Sleeping Princess episode. This time Demos does not go peacefully into the night! I'll put it up on this site someday, but until then, you can always read it of of Fanfiction.net. My penname is LotornoMiko. ^_-
Just a facial shot picture of the main characters in Voltron. Lotor, Keith, Allura, and Merla.
I like to think of this as, Give Peace a chance! ^_- I don't like Lotor's uniform. I kept changing the colors, trying to find a nicer match...but no matter what....BLAH!! Thankfully, on the show, his uniform is never so buttugly!!
Remind me to never attempt to paint a picture like this again! Why you ask? Too many characters for one thing. Took forever and a day! And then doing that stage...*eyes cross* No more background work for this Scribe...course...knowing me...I'll do a similar pic I feel needs coloring by Paint...and have to be dragged away from the computer!
Anyway, recognize this? Yep! As promised, the Moulin Rouge pic, in glorious color! Left to right, Moonie, Tamy, Michelle, Sammie, Bekka, and Vestia. I didn't plan it this way, but...somehow everyone has at least one color in common with the person(s) they are standing next to.
I actually finished this one looooong before the above pic. Really easy to color. ^_-
No this is not a prelude to a three way with Zarkon. I'm not THAT cruel! ^_- Actually, this shows quite well how Zarkon interferes with all his son's relationships...
Tamy has failed to notice Zarkon's attack from behind. But who can blame her, since she's hugging Lotor!
Allow Lezard to teleport you back to the Harem