BasicsName: Ten'ou Haruka Other Names: ·Alex Sokova (old), Amara Ten'ou (new) -America ·Frédéric Tenno -France ·Timmy Ten'ou -Spain ·Haruka Tenou -Portugal ·Heles -Italy ·Haruka Tenno -Inodnesia ·Haruka Tenou -Mexico ·Alex (old), Terry (new) -South Korea ·Haruka Tenoh -Germany ·Haruka Ten'ou -Russia ·Haruka Ten'ou -Poland ·Haruka Teno -Greece Birthday: January 27 Year of Birth: 1977 Age (in SMS): 15 Age (in Stars): 17 Current Age (if she were real): 24 Blood Type: B Sign: Aquarius Chinese Sign: Dragon Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blond Waist measurment: Probably about 3 inches... Address: 1127 Tenou Bank Condominium Tower (manga anyway) Phone Number: I wish I knew School (Super season): Mugan Gakuen High School School (Star season): Juuban High School
Likes/DislikesFavorite Food: salad Least Favorite Food: nattou (fermented soybeans) She likes her coffee with: two sugars Favorite Subject: PE Least Favorite Subject: Modern Japanese Hobbies: motorcycle racing, fencing, playing piano, running, car racing, just driving around, flirting with cute girls, chillin' with Michi Favorite Gemstone: amber Favorite Color: gold Least Favorite Color: Well I've never seen her wear pink...but thats just an assumption ^^;; Random Things She Hates: confessing, The Starlights, men, Fig Newtons (if she's smart anyway...those things are gross!)