Bear is the self-described "old man" of the show, and likes to help out new players - in fact, he occasionally exasperates Mimiru with his paternalistic attitude. He's a Blade User with a fairly typical character model, or "skin." He's quiet about his profession, but it evidently leaves him with a lot of time to play video games and even to look for clues offline.
Bear is old enough to remember playing non-online RPGs before The World was invented, and that still influences his thinking. He seems to romanticize gaming, in a wistful, "what-if" fashion and likes to toy with the idea that games have their own reality, even if he's grounded enough to know better.
Bear tends to trust people that others might not, but he's usually right in his appraisal of people. Bear and BT share an understanding, although it occasionally seems that they understand different things.