And for my friends: hey, thanks, guys, for the warm acceptance. You really make a guy feel important. - Man, I'm not crying here, okay. Just - just get on with the page!
Duo Maxwell:
Pilot of the gundam Deathscythe, later Deathscythe Hell. Duo is the friendly, fun and joking one among the gundam pilots. He is known for his extremely long braid and his devil-may-care attitude. He is a strong fighter and has been known to cause irreversible damage to many who have crossed him. He has a tendency to be far too vocal in his opinions - which gets him into a lot of trouble. He is anything but shy.
Duo is agreeable to being teamed up with others, although he works very well alone. He is quite the rebel and would like any opportunity to prove his skills at blowing things up and sneaking into places where he doesn't belong. (This trait stems from his life as an orphan on the streets.) He boasts his abilities everywhere he goes and you would think that he was quite vain if you didn't know better.
Duo does have a religion - which is Catholic. How devout he is, no one really knows, but he frightens his enemies with threats of Hell when he is in battle. He calls himself the God of Death and Shinigami, also the Great Destroyer. He isn't kidding, because death follows in his wake. "Die! Anyone who sees my true form shall die!" is one of his many sayings.
Duo has a tender heart and he can become too affected by war. To relieve the pressure, he jokes and laughs to cover any pain he might feel. He is also known for saying "Boys don't cry". (He has to defend his masculinity because his long braid causes many people to mistake him for a girl.)
Duo gets along well with all of the gundam pilots. The one he claims as his best friend, however, is Heero Yuy, a sober and solitary fighter. He could as possibly team up with either Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, or Wufei Chang. He does have his opinions about them and these are rarely quiet. - Quatre, Duo feels is far too hard on himself and could stand to be a bit selfish. Heero and Wufei could have a little fun once in awhile, Duo thinks. Trowa - well, Duo wonders what his deal is and why he's so hard to figure out.
Duo, despite all of his opinions is a caring person. He fights for the people who can't fight and for the people who shouldn't have to fight. Although he cares, he doesn't commit to anyone or any place for long, and his allies are whoever he decides they are. He does keep his friends, and values friendship highly... judging by his loyalty to Heero.
Duo: I hope that you people don't think now that you know me you can just leave. Sign the guestbook so that we know you've been here. After all, I get so many visitors, how am I supposed to remember who they are?
Duo: Yeah, you can go back to Firechild's Lair, but I'll be lonely!