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September 15: 

Oh dear... very little has been done on the site in a month! *giggles* Well, I was without internet for almost two weeks people! Anyway, I've been well, trying to cope with this strange new environment some people call college :) Yes, college, the ultimate in sympathy! *giggles* I've used the phrase: "But I'm only a poor college student" so many times in the past weeks... *sigh* One thing, though, that I'm still having problems with is how to deal with the network of friends and family I left in Oregon and the general chaos I inherited down here in the blistering hell-vale of San Jose... sorry, but it's burning down here!!!

Somehow I sense that this topic isn't going to stay on topic :)

Well... what's new in the life of Loran? Nothing much. I went down to Monterey County for my extended weekend at the beginning of the month and wrote some really good stuff on my book, which I'm actually in the writing stage now...  there's just something enchanting about the sea, pulling me deeper and deeper into my subconscious.... *falls asleep, drool clinging to lips*


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