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September 30: 

I'm back with a vengeance! I posted chapter five up today, although this is the unedited and far shorter version then the one that will appear next weekend. I still haven't gone up to Palo Alto and gotten the disk that the original chapter five was on, so I had to re-write it from memory (wow, now that's a hard thing to do :) ) so expect it to change in a week or two, when I actually get off my butt and work on this site, not my enterprise one.

Yes, Loran has another project!

*sigh* All my roommates (I've have three so far, but only because all of us keep switching rooms, not because of any intense aversion to someone's sleeping habits or body odors) (well, except for Hanna :) ) have started a web site on the new Star Trek show, Enterprise. It's been up for over a month... Kol does most of the work, but she's even more of a work horse then I am :)

I also have another short story that's going to go up in a bit about Mamoru... I think I might change the name to Darien, though, in the story because in retrospect I wrote the fanfic in that DIC version (hehehehe). *sigh* Yes, even more to do. I'm going to pull some of my art work off of the Tranquil Moon and Golden Kingdom websites and post them here as well, add a new banner, maybe change some colors to reflect the approaching cold (yes! cold! no more heat!), and some other stuff too.

Wow, this seems more like a site update then a diary, huh?!

I guess it's because emotionally not that much has been happening. I've had two sick ass dreams (sorry, but they were sick and I felt the profanity added to the sickness :) ) the last couple of nights, which have really freaked me out. I figured out the meaning of one of them, shed my cloak of timidity and inhibitations and stop pretending to be someone I'm not, instead just be ME, but the other one is really messed up. Let's just say it involves a certain guy that I was convinced I was in love with but fate has shown me the truth SO many times. I'm concerned because two things that occurred in the dream have happened (granted the first two haven't) and the reality in the dream was so.. unreal and yet utterly plausible. *goes to muse over the meaning of her latest escapade in dream world*


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