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October 14: 

Sitting here before the screen, I wonder why I'm so enchanted by this simple machine. I shudder when I think of the hours wasted staring at its burning face, wondering what the hell I'm doing still up at 4 am. My eyes are tired now although it's yet 1 pm, tired of the burning screen, tired of the anonymity of the world beyond, tired of loosing sleep over projects I can't touch, I can't feel. I'm tired of my dreams being eclipsed by plans for sites and RPs, I'm tired of darkness giving way to day and I'm still typing away....


But I'll never abandon my current addiction, just as I can never slim down to a size zero-- the screen holds me captive, and there is nothing I can do but sit here and be enchanted, let the illusion fall upon blind eyes, and let the world take me where it wants me to go. I only wish... I could find slumber at a decent hour, and awake to a beautiful face, not one haggard and drawn, eyes bloodshot and frightening, all because of the harsh artificial rays of the computer screen....


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