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The Lord's Basics

Breastplate: Solid dark brown (think chocolate) with a blue-gray (more gray then blue actually) designs
Shirt: His shirt is underneath his breastplate, and its collar and long, baggy sleeves are all that are seen. His shirt sleeves fall to below his elbow and are slate gray, just like Pants: Baggy brown pants that fall over the top of his moccasins.
Boots: Chocolate brown moccasins
Gauntlets: His gauntlets are slate gray with rectangular design of solid dark brown.
Belt: A dark red (wine, burgundy) sash, really, the ends trail behind him.
Shoulder guards: His shoulder guards are really more to the side of the arm, but they are that dark red color and very strong. Cape or no cape: No cape, sorry ^.^
Neck covering color: Well, his is really just the collar of his shirt sticking up over the breastplate (which also protects his back) in the slate gray shirt.
Others: When Byakko gives the locket to Verres, he takes up a silver ring he has created and wears it as a sort of promise ring.

Henshin phrase: Byakko Earth Power, Make Up!
Lucas raises his right hand to the air as a swirl of dark brown mist and another swirl of slate gray spins about him, changing his clothes into his uniform. The swirls merge above his upraised hand, creating a globe of gray-brown energy that becomes his sword.

Power/Attack 1: Byakko Earth Release
Byakko raises his right hand above his head as a pair of energy “mists” swirl about him much like they do during his transformation, swirling about him until they reach his upraised hand, creating a globe of energy. This time, however, he crouches quickly, slamming his hand to the ground, and the globe disappears into the earth, reappearing at the feet of the intended victim, submerging the victim into the earth from the armpits up.

Power/Attack 2: He doesn’t have another one yet
When he gets one I’ll write it down here! *giggles*

Weapon: Autumn Scimitar
A weapon created from the power of his transformation, the Autumn scimitar is used to defend mostly, and to slice and dice. He doesn’t use it very often, but it does look good when he finishes transforming ^.^.

Non Senshi Power: He can heal himself while not in Lord form, and as the RPG continues, he will be able to teleport short distances. He is able to send dreams only to Shana when not in Lord form, too. He can communicate telepathically with the other Lords.

Any holds on power?: Many of his powers depend on Shana/Verres, and he can’t send dreams to anyone besides her. He can, however, participate in “lord dreams” if one of the other’s sends one to him.