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Profile- Golden Era

Real Name: Kaji Haimi
Clan Name: Verres
Birthday: Namida Festival (festival of tears)
Birthplace: Da`hril, the main forest village of the Verres Clan.
Famliy: Parents: Kaji Kikaru (light) (father), Danak Yume (mother) ; 1 older sister (Haimi, she died); 1 older brother (Haijin); 2 younger sisters (Syal & Pamina)
Age: 18 years old upon receiving her Star Seed, 20 at Death
Height: 175 cm (I think this equal about 5”8 or 5”9)
Bloodtype: B
Interests: Dancing, Singing, Athletics, and listening to the Muses

Senshi Name: Verres
Senshi Symbol: “boar”, sometimes “earth”
Colors: Burnt tan (red-brown) and Indiglo
Abilities: control over animals and over the element Earth

History- Golden Era

Kaji Haimi was born in Da’hril, the forest villiage which housed the seat of power for the Verres Clan. Technically the middle child, Haimi grew up with an older brother, Haijin, and two younger sisters, Syal and Pamina. Haimi grew up in a loving family full of the arts and athletics, and grew up at home in the forests. Although, as the granddaughter of the Verres clan Matriarch, she was entitled to a life as a lady in Taiyou City, Haimi refused to leave her forest home, even as a child. She and her older brother Haijin shared a special bond, and Syal was especially close to her heart as well, but lacked that bond that she and Haijin shared, perhaps because they were only a year apart in age. The bond was strengthend when the two were sticken with a childhood illness, and were sent to Taiyou City for healing. The two shared many adventures while on the mend, and this trip in fact lead to the first meeting of Haimi and Princess Solana, although neither knew it until years later.

As Haimi and Haijin grew, Haijin occasionally acted as Haimi’ protector by beating up bullies, but this was rare as Haimi was more then able to take care of herself. When Haimi was 12, her brother was taken for training to become one of the new Lord Byakko’s knights, leaving her alone. For two years Haimi lived in the forest, missing her brother dearly but having a great time in the forests. When she was 14 she stumbled upon the hidden shrine to the minor spirit Verres, and became the Maiden Warrior around six months later in a ceremony before the entire clan. For the next three and half years Haimi practiced her skills and grew into a very powerful Maiden Warrior, but still enjoyed running through the forest and playing with her many animal friends. Her daily routine was broken when her brother returned home for a visit, announcing that in two months he would be inducted as a knight for Lord Byakko. Overjoyed at her brother’s success, and bursting with her own, Haimi arranged to to travel to Taiyou City for her brother’s induction, not knowing that she would meet her soul mate there. Now dubbed, Toroki, her brother took great pride into introducing his lovely sister to his young Lord, who was smitten by the country girl’s good looks and rather carefree behavior. Haimi, however, had eyes only on her brother, and didn’t even truly notice Byakko until her brother kept hinting about him.

Toroki decided that it would be a good thing to get Byakko and Haimi together, because they were the two most important people in his life after all, so he decided to set them up, even though such a marriage, much less relationship was very frowned upon. The first step in his plan was bringing his now good friend over to the forest and abandoning him. Of course, not knowing where he was nor where the secret enterences were into the village, one of the members of the villiage had to go out and bring him in, but Haimi came across him first, on an errend by her brother. Taken aback, she nevertheless showed Byakko one of the ways into the villiage, and was startled when the overjoyed (he doesn’t like being alone much I guess) Lord kissed her hand. Thus began a strange friendship between the two, that seemed to deepen even when Byakko returned to Taiyou City. He came back to the forest for her 18th birthday, and gave her a beautiful crystal locket he forged with his powers. Two weeks into her 18th year, all the Maiden Warriors were asked to journey to Taiyou City to compete in the Maze for the Senshiships. Many were sure Haimi would fail, due to the fact she had only 4 years of training, but she was the final of the 12 to finish the maze, and was given a star seed, thus becoming Sailor Verres.

Afterwords, her younger sister Syal was inducted as the Maiden Warrior Verres (to protect their villiage), and Haimi took her place in the Castle to protect the three Solaris Princesses. She forged a close bond with Princess Solana, and was quite happy, because her brother and dearest friends Solana and Byakko were near. Her friendship with Byakko deeped, and finally blossemed into a sort of tender romance after her youngest sister Pamina was killed. Upon hearing that her younger sister had been killed by a raging boar in the forest, the guilt stricken Haimi left behind a note and raced back to the forest. Before she left the City, however, she was assulted by bandets, thankfully saved by Byakko who was furious that she hadn’t waited for him. Byakko took her to the forest and attended the funeral with her, racing after her her when she ran sobbing from the funeral after one of the villagers blamed Pamina’s death on her. He comforted her in the rain, and the two shared their first kiss in the hidden shrine, although both “forgot” about it and refused to speak about it, and returned to Taiyou City.

When Haimi turned 19, a small celebration commensed, and Byakko gave her a pair of gorgious crystal earings to match the locket she still wore around her neck. People began to whisper then about the two, but at that point their rumors were unfounded. About a week after Haimi’s birthday party, the two went to visit Haimi’s ailing mother, and after she had been cured proceeded to chase each other in the forest, leading to their second kiss, this one neither denied. Shaken, the two admitted their feelings for each other, and Byakko on the spot created a ring for her to wear. The two returned to Taiyou City in love and bliss, unaware that in just over a year they would both be dead.

The next sixth months passed in a dizying rate. Byakko had to leave on a secret mission for Queen Seimyou with the other Lords, and when he returned the two shared a horrible dream, that lead to … well…. The conception of their first child to put it bluntly. The two decided to marry quickly, but Byakko had to go on another mission for the Queen. Excected back on the first day of the Seimyou Festival honoring the Queen/Empress, the two pledged to be wed that day, but unfortinately Nii attacked on the eve, and locked the Solaris Princesses and their guardians in crystal coffins, ejecting them into space. The Lords and their Knights reached the coffins as quickly as they could, but it was too late- all were dead, except for Solana and Haimi, and Haimi only because she carried the extra power of a mother protecting her young. But she was dying even as her Lord struggled to get to her out of the coffin, and her last sight was Byakko’s tear hitting the surface of the coffin, his face pressed as close as he could get to her, pain burning in his eyes.