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Profile- Golden Era

Real Name: Namari Doseki (earth and stones)
Clan Name: Bovis-Mus
Birthday: unknown
Birthplace: Taiyou City
Famliy: Parents: Namari Kikaru (lead (metal) ) (father), Chishin Jibeta (Earth- Bare Earth) ; 1 brother (Jimen (ground)) 4 sisters, all younger {Anshou (Reef, Sunken Rock), Iwane (Rock), Kyogan (Huge Rock), Bigan (Beautiful Face)} Only Bigan is still alive, and she’s a very old woman living in the castle.
Age: 17 years old upon receiving his Title, 108 at Death (very young for a Lord), he appeared around 18ish
Height: 6”3”
Bloodtype: B
Interests: ... Attending "Balls", Dancing, Training Lords, Haimi ^.^

Lord Name: Byakko
Lord Symbol: A mixture of the “Earth” and “Metal” signs
Colors: Dark brown and slate gray
Abilities: Usual Lord Powers, plus control over Earth and Metal, but his powers weren’t as strong as the other Lords because his powers were mixed between two signs.

History- Golden Era

Namari Doseki was born to a very loving couple who wed besides the fact that their families had forbid it. Even as a child it was remarked that he was powerful- but not as much as he should be. The aging Byakko happened upon the young lad playing in a field and was shocked to find that Doseki was in fact more powerful then he was—he just had power in to elements, instead of just earth. So at the age of 10, even though it was a little early for a Lord-trainee, Doseki was sent to the capital to learn how to become a Lord. There he was taught to control his powers, but before he was still not taught everything when his mentor died suddenly. At the age of 17, he was inducted as the next Byakko, and was the youngest of the Lords. For about 90 or so years he continued his training, flirted with women, helped train people into the places of knights, until he met the man who would become Toroki.

Haijin and Byakko became quick friends, despite the gap in their ages, and Haijin quickly became the canidate for the Knightship of Toroki. At Haijin’s induction to the state of being of Toroki (in other words became a Knight), the newly dubbed Toroki introduced Byakko to his youthful and beautiful sister, Haimi, who also was the Maiden Warrior Verres. Byakko was instantly smitten by the beautiful girl, who had eyes only for her brother’s success and barely even noticed him. Toroki noticed his friend’s interest, however, and plotted to see the two together.

Toroki decided that it would be a good thing to get Byakko and Haimi together, because they were the two most important people in his life after all, so he decided to set them up, even though such a marriage, much less relationship was very frowned upon. The first step in his plan was bringing his now good friend over to the forest and abandoning him. Of course, not knowing where he was nor where the secret entrances were into the village, one of the members of the village had to go out and bring him in, but Haimi came across him first, on an errand by her brother. Taken aback, she nevertheless showed Byakko one of the ways into the village, and was startled when the overjoyed (he doesn’t like being alone much I guess) Lord kissed her hand. Thus began a strange friendship between the two, that seemed to deepen even when Byakko returned to Taiyou City. He came back to the forest for her 18th birthday, and gave her a beautiful crystal locket he forged with his powers. Two weeks later Haimi participated in the Maze and became a Senshi, almost equal in power to a Knight.

The friendship between Byakko and Haimi deepened, and finally blossomed into a sort of tender romance after her youngest sister Pamina was killed. Byakko took her to the forest and attended the funeral with her, and the two shared their first kiss in the hidden shrine to Verres, although both “forgot” about it and refused to speak about it, and returned to Taiyou City. At her 19th birthday, a small celebration commenced, and Byakko gave her a pair of gorgeous crystal earrings to match the locket Haimi still wore around her neck. People began to whisper then about the two, but at that point their rumors were unfounded. About a week after Haimi’s birthday party, the two went to visit Haimi’s ailing mother, and after she had been cured proceeded to chase each other in the forest, leading to their second kiss, this one neither denied. Shaken, the two admitted their feelings for each other, and Byakko on the spot created a ring for her to wear. The two returned to Taiyou City in love and bliss, unaware that in just over a year they would both be dead.

The next sixth months passed in a dizzying rate. Byakko had to leave on a secret mission for Queen Seimyou with the other Lords, and when he returned the two shared a horrible dream, that lead to … well…. The conception of their first child to put it bluntly. The two decided to marry quickly, but Byakko had to go on another mission for the Queen. Excected back on the first day of the Seimyou Festival honoring the Queen/Empress, the two pledged to be wed that day, but unfortunately Nii attacked on the eve, and locked Verres and the others in crystal coffins, ejecting them into space. Byakko reached the coffins as quickly as he could, but it was too late- all were dead, except for Solana and Haimi, and Haimi only because she carried the extra power of a mother protecting her young. But she was dying even as Byakko struggled to get to her out of the coffin, and her last sight was Byakko’s tear hitting the surface of the coffin, his face pressed as close as he could get to her, pain burning in his eyes.

The tale of Byakko, however, continues. The Fates, enraged by Nii’s gall to steal threads of life from them, descended upon the Mortal Realm and sent the Princesses and their guardians to the future. Byakko pleaded to be sent to the future with his Haimi, and along with three of the other Lords sacraficed his long life for her, to be reborn with his Lady in a time of chaos…