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Profile- Modern Day

Real Name: Lucien “Lucas” King
Meaning: Light, King
Birthday: May 21
Age: 16, almost 17
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 6’4”
Bloodtype: B
Hair: He has ragged, shaggy hair that’s always falling in his eyes. It’s blonde, don’t get me wrong, but more of that “dirty blonde” color, with highlights of a darker, richer brown-orange. This picture illustrates his hair perfectly ^.^ Thank’s Tamahome!
Eyes: Ever seen the stone Tanzanite? That’s the color of his eyes- they shift from dark blue to light purple depending on what he wears, and are generally quite intense.
Wears: Typical clothing. He generally just wears slightly baggy blue jeans and a loose t-shirt, generally a screen-printed t-shirt. Sometimes he throws on a gray sweatshirt.
Gemstone: Emerald (the color of Shana’s eyes ^.^)
Home: A fairly nice beach house full of family, within sight of the sea but not next to it, about a mile from Shana’s house, owned by his aunt.
Favorite foods: omelets, Spaghetti, Pizza
Least favorite foods: Duck dishes, Most chinese food (except for rice)
Favorite school subjects: Literature, hands on classes
Least favorite school subject: World History
Interests: meddling with computers, Basketball and soccer, whittling
Hates: Bullies, pompous people,
Hobbies: Learning how to drive on the right side of the road (used to European driving), finding ways to spend time with Shana and his new buddies
Famliy: Jake and Mary King, housewife and architect (hehehe), and his four younger sisters, Beth (15) Christy & Lucy (twins, 13) and Mandy (5)
Best qualities: sincere, tolerant, a good friend, tries to keep an open mind, very humble, very honest, is willing to share food with others ^.^
Worst qualities: He’s obsessed with Shana, plus he has a hard time harming females… wait, that’s a good thing, right? NO! Look at his behavior with Joelee!
Dream: He kind of wants to be a soccer star...

Lord Name: Byakko
Lord Symbol: “earth and metal signs mixed together”
Colors: dark brown and slate gray
Abilities: Control over metal, crystal, earth, and other stuff coming from the ground itself

History- Modern Era

Lucas King was born in Ireland, and has dual citizenship between the two countries of America and Ireland. Lucas’ father is an architect whose work has kept the family on the move, which Lucas doesn’t really mind. He was home taught up until High school, which he attended in Ireland for freshman year, and Seattle for most of Junior year and all of Sophomore year. His mother, a vibrant Irish-American, nevertheless put a keen love of literature and sports in her child, while his father instilled a hands on love of things and a very high interest in mathematics. Lucas, however, can’t draw a straight line to save his life. He grew up playing soccer and basketball, generally with his sisters, and takes extreme care of them, often acting like the big protector brother. He loves them very much, though, and doesn’t mind the youngest hanging off of his shoulders.