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Profile- Modern Day

Real Name: Shana Rumer
Meaning: Wise Gypsy
Birthday: April 30
Age: 16, almost 17
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 5’9”
Bloodtype: B
Hair: Very long, to about mid waist, dark raven hair (although dark purple works just as well for a more anime look and to save on black color pencils). Shana also has bangs are like Nuriko’s from Fushigi Yuugi. They are very long and fall into her face (ultimately falling to her chin)
Eyes: Blazing Emerald, and fairly round in shape. Shana usually doesn’t look people in the eye unless she’s angry or making a point.
Wears: Typical teenage clothing. She prefers loose t-shirts and jeans, but does wear skirts sometimes, but always fairly long ones (to the knee). She does not wear boots that often, and prefers sandals (not flip-flops, real sandals) or sketchers. Yes, she too is a sketcher brat :J
Gemstone: Tanzanite (the color of Byakko’s eyes ^.^)
Home: A fairly nice beach house/mansion by the beach, about a mile from Lucas’ house and perhaps 2 and half from Rorie’s
Favorite foods: tacos, Italian cuisine, MNMs ;)
Least favorite foods: heart burn food, eggs
Favorite school subjects: All but P.E. (ok... Creative Writing :))
Least favorite school subject: P.E.
Interests: Composing Poetry, Shopping, Dancing (alone, mind you). Shana enjoys composing Poetry because it clears her mind and allows her to become at peace with her soul. She usually writes close to nature, so this ties in with her "earth" element. And like many girls, Shana enjoys the act of shopping. Why? Well, Shana has money to spend and enjoys walking around the mall with Rorie--but buying is a plus :D. The dancing ties in with her Gypsy herritage--but Shana is far to embarrassed to dance in front of someone!
Hates: Fear and social events, and rejection from peers. Yes, poor Shana is a regular socialphobe. Part of this stemes from her mother being a sociallite who abandoned her to Aunt Maeve "so she could party all over the world". At least--that's what Shana believes. So, Shana decided to avoid becoming a sociallite... and began to fear social events as a result. But, deep inside Shana is terrified of being rejected, especially by her peers. This is her insecurities with her parents coming full circle :D
Hobbies: playing her aunt’s piano, attempting to learn how to cook something besides Italian food, collecting the larget candle collection in the State of California. I'd include writing in here but that is only obvious :D. Shana is attempting to learn the piano in an attempt at developing a musical side to her creative soul, although she is far from even reading the musical staffs. Shana is a mean Italian cook, but sadly only can cook Italian. This comes from her Aunt owning the booming restaurant, Paolos. The Candle hobby has to do with a future plot with Byakko/Lucas that Kassa said I could do, so :P
Famliy: World traveling unwed parents Sean Seabrooke and Bethany Rumer, her ellusive older half sister Karin, who recently got a job at the school, and her aunt, Maeve Seabrooke, who has raised her. Shana has a lot of emotions targeted at her parents: Disaproval, hatred, sorrow, and shame among the top. She feels that she earned their leaving for doing something wrong... which is completely wrong. UPDATE: Her cousin Mark now lives in Aunt Maeve's house! It's attack of the cousins!
Best qualities: sincere, tolerant, a good friend, tries to keep an open mind, very humble, very honest, is willing to share food with others ^.^
Worst qualities: She has a temper sometimes and she can be possessive, jealous, and exclusive. Also, she tends to give to much. She also freezes up in social positions and talks herself out of doing things.
Dream: to be appreciated by her peers (she's already a published poet).

Senshi Name: Verres
Senshi Symbol: “boar”, sometimes “earth”
Colors: dark tan (brown) and Indiglo
Abilities: Control over animals and some over the element Earth (it’s improving)

History- Modern Era

Shana Rumer was born in the back of her parent’s car on the way to Boston Airport a full month early, interesting birth but quite fitting for one of her blood, for she’s from the Romnichel clan of gypsies. Shana was fine for being born premature and not in a hospital, and spent her first four years of life travelling the world with her parents. Her older half sister Karin was practically grown up already and living on her own, so Shana spend the entire time with just her parents.

However, Aunt Maeve demanded that the baby be placed in her care until her parents could settle down. Grudgingly her parents agreed, and little Shana was placed in her Aunt Maeve’s care. Occasionally her cousins would come visit her, but she hasn’t seen most of them in a while. Anyway, she grew up in a big house with only a few friends, living a very quiet life devoted to her poetry, at least up until this point.

Her natural talents are with animals, especially horses, a gift given to her by her gypsy blood. Her powers as a guardian are with the earth and animals. She is very beautiful, but she believes that she is ugly and over ate to cope with the social barrier she found at Sunset High.

Shana was born to an Irish-American father Sean and a Gypsy mother Bethany who loved each other and her dearly. Shana hasn't seen her parents in four years, although she receives letters from them every week. Shana began writing poetry when she was eleven and was first published when she was 13, under the pseudonym of SR Seabrooke. She and Rorie have been best friends since Rorie moved to Sunset City and the two often migrate between their homes.

However, in the the past year, Shana has been undergoing a deep psychological change, perhaps in preperation for assuming the role of Sailor Verres again. A bit of her past lives spitfire has began to show through, and she’s miraculously gaining self confidence, with the help of her best friend Rorie. She’s still terrified of dating, but recently was asked on her first date… by her past love, although she isn’t aware Lucas King is in fact Byakko.