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The Verres Basics

Breastplate: Dark brown with a vibrant blue center (idiglo or peachocke blue)
Skirt: long light brown skirt, the center is that vibrant blue color
Boots: Soft brown (might be leather!!)
Gloves or gauntlets: Brown Gloves with blue bands!!
Belt: brown
Shoulder guards: Bright blue
Cape or no cape: No cape
Neck covering color: Brown, with a soft blue line
Others: None now, but soon Byakko is going to give her locket back to her, which will increase her powers and allow her to call upon her daggers.

Henshin phrase: Verres Zodiac Power, Make Up!
Shana shouts these words and raises up her Verres Wand. The wand lights up and shoots out shimmering lights of blue and brown as she spins in a circle with it outstretched. The lights engulf her body, while her breastplate and skirt appear beneath the lights and two blasts of energy, brown and blue, appear on her back. The lights become blinding as Verres spins super fast in a crazy dance, twisting as they curve over her body to form the rest of her armor. The lights fade and she stands before whomever with staff in hand, a defiant look in her eyes and a smile of delight affixed her lips, which now shimmer pink. A golden star and the Kaiji for the pig behind her.

Power/Attack 1: Verres Zodiac Song
Verres closes her eyes and begins to dance in a circle as a vibrant brown and blue energy mist engulfs her form. Her eyes flash open and glitter with power as she throws back her head and sings in name for whatever animal she wishes to control. The animal appears to be surrounded by the same colored mist and will do her bidding, wither telepathic or spoken command. If the animal is killed, Verres will go into a guilt coma for a day or more, depending on the length of contact. The animal is under her control and she can basically do what she wants with it--usually have the animal attack the monster. She always lets the animal go after one attack.

Power/Attack 2: Verres Zodiac Earth Assailment
Verres spins her staff until it is above her head, then takes it in both hands and strikes it into the ground, the ground begins to groan and rumble as her staff feeds a strange brown energy into it. The ground begings to glow a strange blue color in a circle beneath Verres’ feet. A tear falls from one of her eyes and lands in the funky colored earth, causing it to roll into land tsunami that races towards the enemy, engulfing it into a prison of earth for as long as she can hold the "prison". She can only use this attack at great cost, however, and only with supreme need, because it causes her to loose much of her power and the guardian strength she draws from the earth.

Weapon:Verres Staff
This is the simple staff made of an ancient but strong wood that has runes decorating its surface. It has only a few magical properties and is used mostly in defense. Among its few magicks: it can come back to her, it can shrink or grow in size, and it can appear to be another object, even as small as a pencil! It also has a retractable spear head imbedded at the bottom, which she hasn’t figured out how to make appear yet.

Non Senshi Power: Usual baddie sense. Plus, she can control animals, although she generally asks, doesn't command :) and she has her gypsy dance when all else fails (more on that later, Kassandra knows what I'm talking about but I can't say anything here! Maw-hahaha, must not spoil ya'll!) :) Any holds on power?: If an animal dies because of what she asked it to do, she can fall into an extreme depression or even a coma.