Oracle of Dreams Beginning Storms By Iruka Updated: 10:27 PM 3/17/01 Website: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey, I finally sent in a story! Alright! This is set in the Silver Millennium. Please read the 'readme' to better understand. Well, know this: Iruka doesn't own SM or anything else. So please no suage! (hehehe) But please read on! Back to the show.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mother, it isn't fair! I'm your first-born! I should be King! Not that runt Triton!" Oceanus whined, his sea green eyes barely visibly between the folds of fat that grew like a cancerous growth across his face. Amphitrite shook her head sadly, her long aquamarine hair settling around her pert but sad face in waves much like those of her of her villa at the edge of Kali, the single continent of Neptune, the planet that she co-ruled now. Her first child, the only son of her first husband, was a shame to her and the rest of her planet. There was no way that Oceanus could rule Neptune. Not only was he morally inept, but he was corrupt. He had fallen for the immoral and sinister cult of Nemesis. He thought that just because he was the first born of a line of royals he automatically became Ruler. But he was not the son of the present king. He was the son of a murder. He was the son a evil man. Not that her current husband was any better. In his first years of reign, Poseidon had killed thousands. She even had hints that he was a member of the infamous cult as well, owing his reign itself to the evil cult. It was true that Poseidon had won the crown only because he had married her, but it was also true that she had been forced to marry him. By her people, by her own mother, and by the State. Now she was sure that nearly the entire kingdom of Neptune corrupted by the evil cult. Except for her younger children that is. She had failed Neptune by birthing Oceanus, who whined rather then changed. He was weak. He should not have been allowed to live, but to be fed to the Ocean of which he was named. May hap that was the reason for her horror she faced now. She had not been strong enough to sacrifice to her sea god. "Mother!" "You will not address your Queen in such a manner, even if she is by unfortunate circumstance your mother. Have you not been taught that? Have you no memory of your teachings? Are you such a half wit?" King Poseidon sniped as he walked into the thrown room. "You are a son of a traitor. You are not worth the carbon that you take up in the seam of the universe. If it were up to me, you would not have survived infancy." "I have heard it all before, Step father." Oceanus proudly stood as straight as he could, his rolls of obscene fat jiggling, pronouncing his words as though they were vile to his very being. Poseidon's stormy gray eyes narrowed into dangerous slits as he regarded his fat stepson. "You would do well to remember just who I am, son of my wife." Amphitrite shivered at the blatant threat ridding like an ocean chariot on Poseidon's harsh and grating voice. For all she hated her husband, she had never feared him before until that moment, until that sound. Her soul shrank deep within as her body began to shake uncontrollably. Oceanus, of course, the unfit fat blob of waste that he was, broke down into sobs of terror. "You are dismissed." Poseidon said in disgust, waving the sobbing fat man away with an offhand flick of his thick wrist. Oceanus raced from the hallow marble thrown room, his steps a dull, almost common thud on the ancient floor. "That thing is the bane of my existence." Poseidon said in disgust before turning to his pale Queen. "Amphitrite," He began, then eased his tone to one without his throbbing anger, "something must be done about that boy." "Do you suggest murdering my son?" Even though Amphitrite was terrified at that moment, her maternal instinct still sprang up in defense of her child, even one she loathed. Poseidon sneered, but he shook his head and a faint grin, still murderous in its own right for it had been the grin she remembered seeing as Poseidon slaughtered a traitor a few years prior, before her very eyes, swiftly replaced it. "I know you can not bring yourself to discard that blob of fat." It was as if he was disgusted with her for being a mother. Tears would have sprang into her expressive eyes if she had not heard all of this many many times before. "I am his mother." She said simply, with great dignity. Poseidon's grin faded into a terrible to behold grimace. She knew that he hated her superior blood, hated reminders that the only reason he had any power at all was because he was wed to her and CO-RULED with a female. Chauvinist. Amphitrite thought, but there was nothing she could do. The sisters fate had assured her of that. She was forced into this life of servitude and horrors, her only release the beauty of her planet. And the beauty of her remaining two children, Triton and Kyme. Untouched by the demon of the Nemesis Cult that had ruined her very life. Perhaps even ruined her very world. ************ Blackness...Imprisoning her. Absolute horror. Evil, grasping at her, ripping her hair.... A dark Queen with a malicious ruby red grin... Silvery light flooding her body, turning her into her true form... purification... darkness making one last grasp... evil recognizing its impending last blast from a dying corpse... silver light ripping through her very being, through space and time itself... Evil, incinerated by the love that it denied itself...salvation it denied itself... Pythia shook herself from her vision, a smile on her fragile, pale face. A face that in her teenage years had won her much pride and joy. A face that now longed only for the future denied her by her birth. Her smile came at the end of many of her visions of the future, visions of the Messiah's birth, battles, and triumphs. In the end, evil always lost its grime battle. And hope, truth, love, always conquered. It would be no different in the times of Chaos and darkness in the future, the very soon future. She knew that in no more then a hundred years, (although that in the chaos times humanity would live a shorter life span. For them a hundred years would be a lifetime, instead of a mere 13 parts of a life) the first, last battle with the evil she saw would occur and obliterate the Moon Kingdom and all would be sent to the future. She knew that the Messiah she saw was in fact Princess Serenity Selene. And she knew that the evil would be reborn and the Messiah would heal it, but in healing it the evil would kill itself. That was the way of evil. It could not stand pity. Pythia laughed softly to her self and stood from her mat, with a flick of her wrist extinguish her flames, symbolic of the immortal flames of Apollo. Apollo was her guide in all this madness, the light at the end of her tunnel if one pleased. But he had not spoken to her since the Apollian Senshi had been born. They had been perhaps the most colossal mistake of the universe. Meant to have been born one and whole, meant to become the next Queen of Solaris and keep the line of the Golden alive until Artemis the Silver could be born. But in the cruel destinies of estranged fate, a cut in the fold of time and space had split the egg and the one became two. By the ancient laws of the Gods, a royal born from the same womb the same time as another could not rule. The line of the Golden died with their birth. Sure, an elder daughter had been born, but she was the first of the line of Silver. From her womb came Serenity Solene, the Queen of Silver, but not Artemis reincarnate. She was instead another mistake. The mother of silver, born without the man who would be the father of Artemis. But mistakes could be remedied. In the next incarnation, the two would become one and Serenity Solene would become the mother of the silver, born from the womb of the last Golden one. It was even more fortunate that this mistake had occurred, because from the Golden one's womb would also be born her master, Apollo himself. Her smile faded as Pythia's thoughts fell upon her friends of this time. No matter the joy that filled her when she thought of the future, ten times fold despair gripped her as she thought of the people of this time, who even though they were mistakes that had to be remedied, they were still human and possessing souls. Even the future Messiah was a mistake, to be reborn twice in the wrong time. But necessary now that the first mistake, where one became two, had been created. Pythia shook her head and smiled, her eyes crinkling up into folds of silver-touched skin. I make no sense after my vision. Pythia thought to herself wryly, stepping onto the balcony of the second level of the Apollian temple. The air of the moon was stale to her nose, so unlike the fresh air of Earth, the Sun, or even Pluto, far from Moon Capitol. Farther still was the Planet in turmoil, Nemesis, which would topple many a plan before it would be helpful. She knew more then many other of the vile cult of nemesis. She knew many of their plans to destroy the worlds governments and take over the system government. But she knew they would fail. To many of the Gods were against them. Even their own God, Vengeful Nemesis, had abandoned them and taken form instead in the Erinyes Senshi, reborn also to soon. But all would work itself out. But she was sad that she would not see it happen. She was sad that no one would see all of the wonders. But she found happiness in the fact that she played a part in the bring of the Prophesy. She laughed. So many prophesies. The prophesy of another Golden One, to be born in the far future. She had made that prophesy herself. The daughter of one of the house of Venus. A wondrous warrior unlike the galaxy had every seen before. Unlike many who fought for glory, she would fight for good. She would fight and sacrifice everything. Those of the House of Venus generally knew their duties, far above all others. Of course, many of them were slow to grow up, as were the cases with the last generation of Venusians rulers, but they knew their duty. And more importantly, they did their duty, no matter what. Pythia reached up and released her hair from its confining ribbon, shaking her head, as her long, blood red curls fell gently to her sides from the confines of the ribbon. She felt young and giddy, lightheaded and free, a feeling that soon past. Although she was not yet middle aged, she was old in the ways of the mind. A giggle escaped from the curtain behind her and she felt her soul tug. With a wide grin to turned to face her young beautiful daughter, the only one of her line to not be an Oracle. Her line had died with her although her bloodline remained in Didyma. "Didyma," She began in a scolding tone, only to break out in laughter. Picking up her daughter, she giggled like a child and soon forgot her pessimistic views. Life was, after all, the greatest cure for death. ~~~~~~~~~~~ You like? You don't like? E-mail me!!!! My poor e-mail is so empty. It yearns to be full! It's so lonely!!! I know its confusing, but keep up with it! It will all make more sense as the chapters emerge! send e-mails to! Iruka says Adieu!