Oracle of Dreams Read me 1 By Chibi-Iruka Updated: 10:30 PM 7/8/2001 Website:<-- My posted fanfics Or try:<---My RPG Or even:<---My buddies' RPG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: I am purposely messing with Sailormoon. I don't own any of it. I'm just messing with it. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a tale of the beginning of yet another story arc! I hope that makes sense. Taking place in the middle of the Silver Millennium when the Inner Senshi were but young toddlers, breathing new life into people's dreams and questions about the second most interesting place of Sailormoon history, in my opinion at least, that of the Silver Millennium and the Moon Kingdom. Know that some of the names are changed. For instance, Ha`kana is what I'm calling Haruka, Proserpine will be the Princess name of Setsuna, Serenity Solene will be Serenity the elder (Queen Serenity), Serenity Selene will be Usagi (Serenity the younger?), Luanne and Tem will be Luna and Artemis, and other then that you’ll have to keep your eyes open! I also just wanted to add that I’ll be messing with a couple of other things in the Sailor Histories, so bare with me here. I’m doing this for storyline purposes, not because I’m not ‘educated’ in the Sailorarts :) . Besides, I wanted to really mess with this topic, and judging by the shocked expressions on my friends faces, I think I have! Also, this is a second edition of the first chapter. I’ve revised it after 5 months and a tiny bit more maturity in my writing. I think that this fan fic is going to come out well, but you never know. The time period will closely be linked to that of Greek mythology, in that events from Greek Mythology might just appear in this story of the Moon Kingdom's past. Well, that said, please, feel free, and enjoy the show. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have any questions or comments, just e-mail me at see ya later alligators!!!