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 October 17, 2001

  Separated Worlds
I'm working on developing a separate layout for Separated Worlds. Due to working on Enterprise Zealots! and a couple of other things (namely stupid college assignments >.<), I haven't been working on it that much lately ~~

Well, as you can see, I actually found Separated Worlds in my boxes I brought down from Oregon for college. It only took me two months! *grins* I'm so bad. Well... it's a story about Aglaia/Faith, and a certain someone else from Oracle as well :) Warning: SW contains spoilers for Oracle and Tranquil Moon :P

New to Separated Worlds: Chapter two, updated page layout



Separated Worlds

The Anguish
Chapter One
The Essence of Truth
Chapter Two
Chapter Three




Linkage :)
  Oracle My Fanfics The Abyss About me TM RPG  
  My Diary My RPG vessels Fan art Disclaimer GK RPG  

Loran O'Connor 2001