Separated Worlds The Anguish Iruka Typed: 10:10 PM 9/30/2001 Written: Um... I think it was either 5/1/2001 or 6/1/2001 :) ~~~~~~~~Author preface :) Separated worlds? What’s that? *giggles* yeah, I finally typed the stupid thing up for you guys. It’s only up because I had writer’s block for creative writing again! *sniffles* oh well. Hm... Well, before you read this you should know that it’s contains spoilers about the past (Oracle) and the future (Tranquil Moon). I’m going to keep them as minimal as I can, and release an episode of Separated Worlds to every two of Oracle (I think) .... Hm..... ~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer Also, I actually have a true disclaimer! Aglaia/Faith is technically mine (it’s a part of my RPG) but the characterization for the character (wow) is owned by Kassandra Summers, one of my best friends who is my co-Gm of Golden Kingdom RPG and who played Aglaia/Faith/Eris in the RPG. That said, here’s the story! ~~~~~~~~ Story Faith pulled her long, slender legs into her rough jeans, tugging them over her slender rise of hips. Her fingers nimbly pulled the golden zipper snuggly skyward, carefully tucking the wayward button back in the relative safety of its stitched hole. She straightened her back, grimacing when it angrily protested and let out a wayward POP! of disgust. She snuck a look around to se if she had been caught, but in doing so caught a glimpse of herself in the full-length mirror. She appraised her reflection, a hint of a smile adorning her pink lips that lent a humorous tint to her features. Her cheekbones were high and the skin that covered them naturally flushed as rosy as the hot summer sunset. Her complexion was unmarred by freckles or pimples, but clear, shinning with youth, touched with an ivory hue but moistened by an apricot glow. Her face itself glowed with youth, as if Hebe had blessed it with her innocent dew, a face that held beauty in every angle and expression. There was no hint of the darkness that had overcome her sweet face, no touch of the wickedness that had been scorched from her soul. She lifted her head proudly, for her sins had been forgiven. She smiled broadly, erasing her negative thoughts as swell as displaying her gleaming, pearl teeth in an expression of even more easy mirth, so utterly unlike her sneer of before. An inhuman grace descended upon her then, tenderly easing back the mirth to mild amusement, replacing the proud neck with a graceful curve. Leaning forward, Faith watched as her gray eyes that had twinkled with mirth became alit with honesty and charm, two virtues she had sorely missed these last years under Brunhilde and her cult of nefarious darkness. Her eyes softened and grew demure, a look many a female would have killed to procure. But to Faith, it had all come natural. After all, she was the Charis of Beauty and Grace, for heavens sake! "Heaven indeed" Faith murmured quietly, as if afraid to wake her slumbering housemate Dana. Fat chance of that happening, she thought to herself, because Dana had been known to sleep through Earthquakes and feline night harmonizing sessions. But Faith had ingrained in her many a virtue now, and good manners apparently was one of them. Faith regarded the mirror again, watching as her features slipped gently into the more feminine lines she was still trying to get used to. It was almost impossible for her to look rough anymore; anything remotely resembling that look would melt from her features, as if she were changing faces to suit her mood. A hint of sadness colored her eyes still, she noted, a slight quiver in her soul as she deliberated again the reason she felt sad when her life had finally righted itself. She did not miss her old life of evil- she was sure of that. The very thought of the terrible acts she had committed against her new friends turned her stomach ill, bringing an acid taste to her mouth. Nor did she miss Brunhilde- a part of her had always hated the cruel woman, had always seen her for the vile beast she truly had been. So what was the missing part in her life? She had friends, had reclaimed her brother, and had come to terms with her parent’s deaths. What more could she possibly want? Much more, she realized, so much more it made her heart ache with wanting. She craved love now that she had tasted the sweet nectar it was, but is was unlikely that she would ever find a man to love the way she craved. Too much of the old Faith was left in her to believe in some kind of a fairy tale ending for her, complete with a castle and a prince, when all she had done was joining the Lyte Renegades. Still, it was ironic that the Charis of Beauty would find no handsome Prince Charming. It was then that the old musing of the day before returned to her. "Why don’t I have any memories of the Silver Millennium? Dana has every single one of hers now, and even Ethan has a good many of his. But I don’t even have a glimmer of a memory in this head of mine. Just shadows twisting in the dark reaches of my mind. Did the Eris part of me contain my memories of my past? Or will I remember that life? Will I be doomed to spiral down alone in this foggy whirlwind, without love or memory of why I came forth in the first place?" Faith brought her slender, if pale, hand to her throbbing temple. Lately her mind began to burn, figuratively speaking of course, when her thoughts strayed to the "forbidden" subjects. It was almost as if someone had put up a mental roadblock to her past, so that she would never remember. The pain increased to a throbbing ache, intolerable to her heightened awareness. It was as if a thousand horses were racing inside her head, each hoof crushing her skull until the pressure was too much to contain... Uneasily, she backed away from the mirror, flailing with both arms to get a hold of something, anything, to grasp in order to stay upright. She was unable to stop her flailing even when she knocked over objects, sending them crashing to the thick blue carpet below. A frantic touch had taken over her body, and instinctively she knew she had to brace against something, anything, before it was too late. She felt the smooth grain of the cold, wooden dresser, but wasn’t lucent enough at that point to grasp onto the edge. Instead she slipped heavily towards the floor, the awful pain claiming her as brilliant lights flashed across her vision. Before she was completely claimed, though, she thought she heard a worried "Faith!," but she wasn’t sure.... ~~~~~~~ Oh dear! What have I done to our dear Faith?! *grins* nothing to bad! Well, I’ll finish typing more of this up later. Just know that I wrote this originally... um... three, four, five months ago, so it’s a bit dated. Hm... well... on to homework now! ~Loran (Iruka-sama) Seriously! Someone called me that! *bursts out laughing*