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    Chrono Trigger came out around in 1995 for Super NES, and revolutionized how we viewed roleplay games. It was truely the first of its kind. You had multiple endings, control the main character's responses, and the graphics were spellbounding to its players. The plot was intricate, the characters easily loved/hated, and the music heavenly to the ears. This is really is a wonderful game; and those who have played it, will agree with me!

    Crono is your main character in which you get to play. He is a regular teenager, excitedly thinking of the 1000th Anniversary Fair. When he gets to Leene Square, Crono bumps into a girl, her name is Marle. When they are at Crono's best friend's, Lucca, experiment exhibit at the fair, Marle gets sucked into a portal. Crono goes after her, followed soon by Lucca; and the adventure then begins.

   Cyclone/2     Slash/2   

   Lightening/2     Spincut/4   

   Lightening2/8     Life/10   

   Confuse/12     Luminaire/20   

    Marle, or better known as Princess Nadia, is tired of a protected life and out for a day of carefree fun, when she meets Crono. Throughout the story, you pick up her feelings for Crono. She is more powerful in magic, than hand-to-hand combat, and very useful in healing. Marle tends to be the positive one of the group; but too happy-go-lucky for me though.

   Aura/1     Provoke/1   

   Ice/2     Cure/2   

   Haste/6     Ice2/8   

   Cure2/5     Life2/15   

    Lucca has been the best friend of Crono since childhood and always known as a genius. During the game, you find out why she has such an interest in science, and its not so pretty. Either way, Lucca uses fire magic and guns during battle, making her excellent as both magic user and fighter.

   FlameToss/1     Hypnowave/1   

   Fire/2     Napalm/3   

   Protect/6     Fire2/8   

   MegaBomb/15     Flare/20   

    Frog is a cursed knight from the year of 600. Once known as Glenn, he was transformed into a frog by the evil wizard, Magus. His water magic(figures) is kinda weak, has some healing magic, but kicks ass when handed a sword. Of course, we must hand our knight the Masamune to wield!

   Slurp/1     SlurpCut/2   

   Water/2     Heal/2   

   LeapSlash/4     Water2/8   

   Cure2/5     FrogSquash/15   

    Robo was brought from the dead(figuretively speaking) by Lucca's hands. He was once used to kill humans, but that's another story. Anyway, Robo is kind and willing to help out whenever his services are needed. His physical attacks are pretty cool, but Robo sucks against magic, so I don't advise using him against something that only does magic attacks.

   RocketPunch/1     CureBeam/2   

   LaserSpin/3     RoboTackle/4   

   HealBeam/3     UzziPunch/12   

   AreaBomb/14     Shock/17   

    Ayla is from the prehistoric era, in which she is chief. Her strength is amazing, making her almost an equal a fighter to Crono and Frog. Although Ayla doesn't have th best syntax, you can easily pick up the idea that she's caring and a great leader(hence why she is chief and not Kino).

   Kiss/1     RolloKick/2   

   CatAttack/3     RockThrow/4   

   Charm/4     TailSpin/10   

   DinoTail/15     TripleKick/20   

    Magus is the wizard that is threatening Guardia's realm in the year of 600. He's the one responsible for turning Frog into what he is. Later on Crono finds out that Magus does not belong in this era and that Magus's goal is similar to Crono's:  destroy Lavos. Magus has some killer spells, which you may think they're great depending on where you are in the game.  ^_^

   Lightening2/8     Ice2/8   

   Fire2/8     DarkBomb/8   

   MagicWall/8     Dark Mist/10   

   BlackHole/15     Darkmatter/20   

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