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                                                                                             "Am I him...or is he me?"- Carry on Forever


                                                                          Final Fantasy VII is a classic RPG which takes place during the present day.

                                                             Cloud Strife joins a rebel group known as Avalanche, which is trying to battle the Shinra

                                                             corporation.  Sephiroth is becoming one with the planet...and he has summoned the

                                                             force  known as Meteor.  Cloud has to figure out his past and his relationship to




                                                                  Job: Mercenary (ex: member of SOLDIER)

Age: 21

Weapon: Sword

Height: 5'7"

Birthdate: August 19

Birthplace: Nibelheim

Blood Type: AB



                                                                       Cloud's personality is a little cold in the beginning, but he warms up quickly

                                                             towards the group of friends which come to meet him.  He holds certain leadership

                                                             qualities.  He's kinda cute in a Zelda kinda way, and you know what they say about

                                                             a guy with a big sword.......^_^


                                                              Job: Flower Merchant

Age: 22

Weapon: Rod

Height: 5'3"

Birthdate: February 7

Birthplace: unknown

Blood Type: O


                                                                      Aries isn't my favorite character, but at least she's not A MAJOR ditz. She

                                                             is the last remaining ancient, and is the proud owner of the white materia.  She's

                                                             rather weak, and the only thing she is only good for her final limits which are a pain in

                                                             the butt to get.  If you use a gameshark, she's a GREAT aid in beating Ruby &

                                                             Emerald Weapon.


                                                              Job: Bar Hostess, Avalanche Member

Age: 20

Weapon: 2 Big Fists Baby!

Height: 5'4"

Birthdate: May 3

Birthplace: Nibelheim

Blood Type: B


                                                                       Tifa is one of my personal favorites.  I love her outfit first of all, and her limit

                                                             can do some serious damage.  She was Cloud's friend growing up, and probably his

                                                             his most important friend when he is searching for himself.  Hey, I don't know why

                                                             Cloud is considering Aries.  Tifa owns her own bar, dresses for any guy's liking, and

                                                             has a body which is sure to make guys drool.  Just watch out for that kick...


                                                              Job: Leader of Avalanche

Age: 35

Weapon: Gun-Arm

Height: 6'4"

Birthdate: December 15

Birthplace: Corel Village

Blood Type: O


                                                                      This guy's mouth is worse than Ikeikechan's and my mouth COMBINED!

                                                             Shinra destroyed his town, and he is now working to make the world a better

                                                            place for his daughter Marlene.  He thinks HE should be the leader of the party, but

                                                             not while Cloud or Cid have anything to say about it!


                                                               Job: Beast......research specimen

Age: 48....technically

Weapon: Headdress

Height: 3'9"

Birthdate: unknown

Birthplace: Cosmo Canyon

Blood Type: unknown


                                                                       Red XIII is only his specimen name.  Intelligence hides behind the fur of

                                                             flaming red.  His mother died in battle, but nobody knows what happened to his

                                                             father.  He assumes his father ran like a coward.  That tattoo...could he have been

                                                             marked like the Sephiroth clones?


                                                              Job: Pilot

Age: 32

Weapon: Spear

Height: 5'8"

Birthdate: February 22

Birthplace: unknown

Blood Type: B


                                                                       Cid is a bad mouthed, old pilot who dreams of flying in outer space.  His

                                                             heart is in the right place, but he still comes off as extremely rude.  He's fearless,

                                                            and pretty much relies on lady luck to pull him through tough situations.


                                                               Job: Ninja, Thief, Materia Hunter

Age: 16

Weapon: Knife, Boomerang, Oragami

Height: 5'2"

Birthdate: November 20

Birthplace: Wutai

Blood Type: A


                                                                      Who couldn't love her?  Minus the fact that her limits suck, she's pretty

                                                             decent.  She's a thief, and quite deceiving.  She's your typical teenager at heart,

                                                             except that she carries a giant, pointy, attack star with her.  But every girl needs



                                                              Job: Toysaurus, Fortune Teller

Age: unknown

Weapon: Megaphone

Height: 3'2

Birthdate: unknown

Birthplace: unknown

Blood Type: unknown


                                                                       Cait Sith is a very unreliable cat who rides upon a giant, stuffed moogle.

                                                             He works for Shinra, and something about the zipper on his back makes him a

                                                             shady character.  He has good attacks if you like luck to dominate your RPG

                                                             experience.  Cait Sith....who are you REALLY?


                                                              Job: Currently Unemployed (ex-Turk)

Age: 27

Weapon: Gun

Height: 6'

Birthdate: October 13

Birthplace: unknown

Blood Type: A


                                                                        Vincent is my favorite FF7 character.  Is he a demon...or a human?

                                                             He is awoken from his nightmares, only to feel the continuous pain of his sin.

                                                             He allowed the one he loved so dearly, to bear the child of another man...a

                                                             man with cruel intentions in his heart.  The child was given Jenova cells while

                                                             still in the womb...and the mother died while giving birth.  Sephiroth...son of

                                                             Lucretia...human born? 



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