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        In the game of Star Ocean: The Second Story, a large comet has crashed into the planet Expel.  Ever since this occurance, monsters, demons and other creatures appeared on the planet.  It is the job of Rena Landford and Claude Kenni to investigate the comet now known as the Sorcery Globe along with any friends they meet along the way.

        Star Ocean has over 80 different endings.  The battle sequence is a 3D style in which you are free to run around the screen and switch between 4 characters.  The characters can speak during combat, and characters can develop strong feelings for each other and even romance.  The story changes constantly depending on private actions and decisions made.  The replay value is immense, and that's why I am still playing and I've had the game for over 3 years!



Claude Kenni

        Claude is one of the main characters in the game and he is truly one of the best fighters.  His sword has the best combat range and his stats are very high.  He usually lacks a slight bit in agility, but most of the characters do anyway. 

        On a mission with the Earth Federation, Claude decides that precautions that seem unnecessary are precautions meant to be ignored.  He approaches a suspicious looking piece of machinery and is launched to the planet Expel, where he meets Rena in Shingo Forest.

        Claude's easiest romantic match is Rena.  They start at a high romance level to begin with, and of course it is crucial to have a strong healer (Rena) and a strong fighter (Claude) in battle so they will be seeing quite a bit of each other.  Claude can go with almost any of the female characters, and its quite easy to pair him with Precis.



Rena Lanford

        In what RPG do you NOT have a healer?  Rena is the healer of the group and carries with her a sickeningly sweet attitude.  She is the other main character of the game, and there hasn't been one game out of the numerous I've played that I have not made her a crucial part of my party.  She makes a good fighter in the early stages of the game, but her attack spells aren't too great and she isn't worth the effort as a fighter past the early part of the game.   Out of all the mages, she is the best at combat.

        Rena was found in the Shingo Forest when she was very young and was adopted by Westa.  She was walking deep into the Shingo Forest against her mother's wishes and was attacked.  Claude came to her rescue and Rena "mistook" him to be the warrior of light.  Rena must find the answer to the question that always lingers in her mind:  Where is she truly from and who are her real parents?

        Rena is very easy to match with Claude, and over all she can be put together with almost anyone else.  The only person (believe it or not) that is somewhat hard to have her end up with is Dias.  Dias doesn't have any private action scenes, so you have to rely on Publishing and battles to increase the romantic level between them.




Dias Flac

        Dias is an exceptional fighter that is a great aid if your main character is Rena.  It is impossible to get him in your party if your main character is Claude.  His moves are strong and have good range, and he is a very strong fighter.  Although he usually doesn't start with the necessary talents, he's very good at the skill Art. 

        Dias's family was attacked and killed before his very eyes.  He left the village and ran into Rena as they went from battle to battle.  He doesn't think he has the capability to protect Rena, just as he didn't have the ability to protect his younger sister.  He sees great potential in Claude, as well as many other things.  That cold, strong silent type attitude never changes.

        Dias does not start out with many romantic points for ANYBODY.  Rena has 5 points in contrast to everybody else's 4.  Dias has no private action scenes so if you want him to end up with anybody, you have to use Publishing and have them fight together in battle.  On personal opinion, his best match his Chisato.





        Ashton is an essential in a fighting party.  His killer moves aren't very good in the beginning, but Sword Dance comes to be a fantastic move.  Everything with Ashton is based on luck....and he comes with a VERY low luck statistic.  (Usually comes with 18)  He can either have several talents and be very good with them, or he can have maybe one talent and stink at it.  It is recommended that you save your game before you get him and then keep trying until he has decent talents.      

        Your typical "prince charming" is fighting a demon dragon with two heads inside a cave.  The party comes upon him, and with little else to do, they decide to cheer him on.  The cheers distract him, so he turns around and politely asks them to stop, and while he does this the dragon takes advantage.  With a flash of light, our charming lad is possessed by the two headed dragon.  The two long necks stick out of his back and reach over his head and constantly fight.  Ashton insists that the party take responsibility for this problem and help to correct it.  Awwww....but look at those googly eyes on those cute little dragons....does Ashton have the heart to kill them?

        As with most characters, you can set Ashton up with almost anyone.  He's easy to match with Rena, and especially Precis.  I strongly recommend setting him up with Precis because they make a very strong combat duo.




Celine Jules

        In the beginning stages of the game, Celine is the strongest attack mage you'll get.  Leon's spells stink in the beginning, but he'll grow to surpass her in time.  Celine is the worst fighter of the mages, but she can be equipped with earrings that most of the other characters cannot.

        A treasure hunter with a mysterious secret.  Celine was actually at one point engaged to Bowman, but they parted their ways eventually.  Celine has a rich girl background, an accent that strongly shows her upbringing (oh PLEASE darling, don't worry!), a pallet of one who delights in fancy foods (Baby Rabbit Rosotto), and she dresses to kill. 

        Celine can be matched with any guy you want, but Claude is most likely the guy you can pair her with.  I suggest that you pair her with Chris through the private action scenes in Cross JUST BEFORE you leave for Lacour.




Leon D.S Geeste

        Leon sucks in the beginning as a mage, but he truly earns a good reputation later on.  He has the strongest spells in the game (Demon's Gate, Gremlin Lair, Extinction).  He's just one level above Celine when it comes to fighting, but he has the best combat range out of all the mages.  You can only get Leon if Claude is your main character.

        He's a child genius with a very head-strong attitude.  He's a smart aleck and a brat, and he never fails to show it.  The only thing left to wonder about Leon, is why he seems to be the only Fellpool on the entire planet...

        Leon is like Dias in that he clashes with most of the girls.  Precis doesn't like him much, but they make a funny couple if you can manage it.  Leon likes all the girls.  All the girls dislike Leon.




Precis Newman

        Precis has some very useful killer moves, and she can create even more through the skill Machinery.  She has relatively good range, and she's strong in some areas....weak in others.  She has low agility, constitution, guts, and strength, but all of these can be increased with skills.  You can only have her in your party if you reject Bowman.  She can learn Sword Dance from Ashton if there is a spark between them...

        Precis is a mechanical genius with a very spunky attitude.  She immediately falls in love with Claude and develops a hatred for Rena.  Her relationship with her father is....unique.  They live together and care for each other, but neither one really cares what HAPPENS to the other.

        Precis has strong levels for Claude.  She can develop strong levels for Ashton if you give her all the necessary elements, and its well worth it in combat if you use them together.




Bowman Jean

        Bowman is an average fighter when you add up the points.  He has as many good areas as bad areas.  His stats are up and down, most of his killer moves are useless, and he has relatively good range (about as much as Chisato).  He's not really worth it unless you want to make a party of all fighters and you don't have Dias or Precis or Ashton.

        Bowman is a pharmecist that has a real knack for charming the ladies.  There is only one thing that gets in the way of this ladies' man......and that's the fact that he's happily married.  When you use Bowman in notice that his comments tend to show that he's forgetting his wife, and when he eases up on Nede (after the destruction of Expel....where his wife was residing) he starts to even browse the ladies!

        Bowman can go with any girl you want and the ending is always cute.  He'll easily match with Rena or Celine.  I recommend Celine best out of the two.




Opera Vectura

        Opera, like Precis, can make her own weapons and killer moves using the skill Machinery.  She has EXCELLENT range for enemies that are bouncing around and fly above your head since she uses a ray gun.  She's strong in all areas, but her defense is extremely low.  Even when you find Opera, she starts at a VERY low level...making her defense even worse.  Her killer moves are well worth it, but in a team of fighters, its better to have Ashton.  Out of Ashton and Opera, only one can join the party.  You can not have Ernest join without you need to make a serious choice.

        What's up with that extra eye babe?  Opera is a smooth, sexy girl who likes her drink on the rocks.  There are only two things that keep men from salivating all over her: that third eye and the fact that she's on a journey to find her BOYFRIEND.  She's a Tetragene (thus the third eye) and Claude knows something about her that the other's couldn't possibly understand. 

        If Ernest is in your Party, there is little hope that you can match Opera with anyone...although it is possible if you have no life and feel like fighting 10,000 battles just to gain a couple romance points.  If you can't find Ernest, then Opera will slowly develop a crush on Claude and you can then match her with other characters.




Ernest Raviede

        Ernest is simply the WORST fighter in the entire game.  He has the best range out of all the fighters, but unfortunatly he cracks the whip above the heads of most enemies.  So although he has the capability of hitting 4 monsters at once, he often hits well over their heads.  His killer moves are very useless, and even his weapons are terrible.  He can wear a good bit of armor, and if you're going to use him in battle pack him up to the chin with it because god knows he can't fight worth a darn.

        Ernest left his home planet, and Opera, on an archeological study.  He's passionate about his work, and he really has that Indiana Jones feel to him.  (If he could fight better, he'd BE Indiana Jones and the makers of that movie would sue Enix I'm betting.) 

        Since you can't have Ernest without Opera, there is little chance that you'll be pairing him with anybody else especially since you won't be using his crappy skills in battle. 




Chisato Madison

        Chisato has some very awesome combo attacks.  With the link combo, she can be unstopable in a boss fight where there aren't any little guys to attack her in the middle of a combination move.  Her range isn't the greatest but its enough to get by.  She has pretty sorry defense, so she has her ups and downs.  She comes with a couple levels of the skill Reproduction.

        She's a reporter with a hyper attitude.  She's a hot-blooded girl who takes reporting to the next level. 

        Chisato will easily latch on to Claude, especially if you aren't using Celine.  The best match for her in my opinion would be Dias if you can muster the energy to get them together.  They really are the cutest couple in the game.  ^_^

In personal opinion, Chisato reminds me of IkeIkeChan!




Noel Chandler

        Noel can't fight very well, but he's about the same as Rena.  He has healing spells, but he's nowhere near as good as Rena at healing.  He's the most rounded out character in the entire game.

        Noel is a guy that really loves animals.  He has a very calm attitude and seems to be the peace maker of the party.  Peeeeeeace.....haaaaaaaaaappiness........can't we all just get along?

        You can match Noel with any girl you want.  All the girls like him because he's sweet and has a thing for animals.




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