sneptune52 is currently infatuated.

Real Name: Steve
Birthday: August 9, 1985
Gender: Male
Location: New York
Occupation: Lazy Student
Industry: Computer
Expertise: Laziness, Prince of procrastination
Hobbies: being at the computer, online, hanging out, chattin, doing..stuff
Website: Your Already Here ...duh! Neptune.Spydar.Com


Well this old site has come back under the threatening inspiration of my good friend Angela who is currently stuggling to see with her contacts =p

She said make a Xanga, but its a bit for me so I decided to update this old site once again. It used to be about dbz, still is, only now mostly about me (and others).

The layout will be rather simple until i figure out what to do with it, but last night, while i was struggling to go to sleep at 4:30 am i thought i would say something about stageworks people to cause a disturbance.

Be advised that im gonna say some crazy/illogical/not so nice stuff every now and then so i hope nobody hates me for it. I need one of those disclaimer thingies so i wont be sued.


A note about the ads, due to this site hosted by angelfire, the ads are here to stay....there are ways around it though, one way is to simply minimize the ad when it pops up instead of closing it, this way the ad wont pop up, another way it to use this pop-up killer program, i recommend it. Get it Here. I have also found an even better program called Proxomitron. Its more advanced but a whole lot better.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Now onto Business



A little comedy.......


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