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*~Liz's World~*

*~*Liz's World*~*

My friends and I have a ton of inside jokes, and I'd like to share them all with you. So, in the "box" below, a new inside joke will appear everytime you reload the page. Pretty cool, huh? ^.~
"1234, 5, 6789, 10, 11 12!" --Menotomy Zephyrs, Session 2, Summer 2000

Ashana the Jibjib Aioi the Shoyru Alianna the Aisha Aklemma the Moehog
Get a NeoPet today! Get a NeoPet today! Get a NeoPet today! Get a NeoPet today!
These are my four NeoPets. Want one? Just click on one of their pictures! ^.~