Favorite Anime Characters
Submitted byKikai

Anime: Rurouni Kenshin
Name: Rurouni Kenshin
Alias: Hotokiri Battousai
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Red
Birthdate: June 20, 1849
Weight: 48 Kilograms
Height: 158 Centemeters
Blood Type: AB
Voice Actor: Mayo Suzukase [Richard Hayworth]
Sword Technique: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu
Role during the Bakumatsu: Fulfilled the cruel duties of a hitokiri (shadow assassin) for the Ishinshisi. After relinquishing his role as hitokiri, Battousai was transferred to the front line of battle, acting as a member of the sword squad in Kyoto, whose primary responsibility was to protect the Ishinshishi members being prosecuted by the Shinsen-gumi.
Weapon: A pair of swords known as the daisho. The two swords consisted of the daitou (long sword), called a katana, and the shotou (short sword), called a wakizashi.
Reason for his being called the Battousai: The Japanese phrase battou-jutsu refers to the skill of drawing a sword from its sheath with such speed that it will strike down an opponent with one attack.
The nickname Hitokiri Battousai literally translates to "the sword-drawing man slayer". A less literal translation would be "the sword-drawing master assassin"
Using his incredible speed, he can initiate a counter attack before his opponents have the opportunity to strike him. However, it is the Hiten Mitsurguri Ryu forms of battou-jutsu that are Kenshin's most devastating techniques. When executed with the speed, precision and strength that Kenshin possesses, no enemy can escape his lethal strike, and thus the name Battousai was bestowed.
Reason I love him to death: He is able to keep his cool. After all those years of killing and being so serious, the fact that he can still love is why I envy him and respecti him. Besides he's an awesome swordsman and if this doesn't satisfy you *points up at all that explanation* Then I don't know what will! I hope you can see why I think he's the greatest ever!!
Submitted by Skiv

Anime: Bastard!
Name: Dark Shneider
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Alias: Luche (Ruche)
Voice Actor: Kazuki Yao [James Penrod]
Bio Soon To Follow
Submitted by Cennarian

Anime: Slayers, Slayers Next, Slayers Try
Name: Lina Inverse
Age: looks 15 or 16, rumored to be at least 25
Height: short (like 5'1" or 5'2")
Weight: light (100 lbs would be a good guess, even though she's a beanpole).
Drame: petite (Lina: Just who are you calling petite, buster?!)
Hair Color: fireball red
Eye Color: violently violet
Blood type: A
Home town: Zephielia
Occupation: sorceress supreme
Sister: Luna Inverse, a knight of Seifeid, the water dragon queen.
Voice Actress: Megumi Hayashibara [Lisa Ortiz]
Lina is called the bandit killer, the enemy of all living things, and dragon spooker. She's ok about the bandit killer part, since her favorite past time is robbing bandits blind to fatten her purse and pay for the insane quantities of food which she inhales at every meal. However when someone explained what a dragon spooker was she nearly fried the guy with a fireball.
Lina specializes in black magic, which means she's calling upon the lords of darkness and chaos for her powers. Her most destructive "common" spell is the Dragu Slave, which is the bastardized version of another spell called the Dragon Slayer, which was created by Lei Magus, who was one of the greatest sorcery geniuses of all times. Though Lina's interests aren't limited to black magic, that is where her most destructive spells lie. She knows some shamanist, or elemental type magic, and isn't hesitant to fry somebody who gets on her nerves with a fireball or a flare arrow, or heaven forbid a Mega Brand, since she also specializes in the fire branch of shamanist magic, but knows a few spells in other branches.
Her temper, much like her stature, is short, and if you get on her nerves then you had better watch out lest she decides to blow you up. In one episode of the second season she becomes so enraged at Amelia (one of her companions) that she begins to cast the Dragon Slave. Fortunately for Amelia, Gourry (Lina's so called protector) restrains the sorceress only after she chanted "Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows..."
The talismans which Lina wears on her wrists, belt, and the clasp of her cape are called the Demons Blood talismans, and are composed of the elements of the four dark lords: Ruby Eye, for Ruby Eyed Shabrinigdo, DarkStar for lord Dark Star, Chaotic Blue for Lord Deep Sea Dolphin, and Death Fog, the dark lord for which this is applicable is unknown to me at this time.
submitted by Caitrin

Anime: Gundam Wing
Name: Milliardo Peacecraft
Alias: Zechs Merquise
Age: 19
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 184 cm
Ethnic Origin: Northern European
Place of Origin: Sanc Kingdom, Earth
Family: One real sister (Relena Darlian/Peacecraft)
Mobile Suits: Tallgeese (a mobile suit for duels), Epyon (a mobile suit for a Knight)
Voice Actor: Takehito Koyasu [Brian Drummond]
The man who would become Zechs Merquise was originally born Milliardo Peacecraft. He was the son of the Peacecrafts of the Sanc Kingdom and is also the brother of Relena Darlian/Peacecraft. He has given up his right to rule the Sanc Kingdom because of its code of strict pacifism. He feels that his hands are too stained with blood to rule it, so he passes the right to his sister Relena.
He wore a mask to conceal his identity while in the OZ organization and is sometimes referred to as the "Lightning Count" for prowess in battle. He was Treize Kushrenada's right hand man but he withdrew from OZ because of ideological differences. Throwing off his mask he dons the name Milliardo Peacecraft. He becomes and ambassador to the Sanc Kingdom and then later become the leader of the White Fang.
Why He's my Favorite - I know I can't simply get away with just saying that he rocks, even though he does ^_^ Zechs is my favorite character for a few reasons. Number one being that he has the whole blonde haired blue eyed look going for him (reminds me of Tristan and anything that reminds me of Tristan is a good thing!). He is much more skilled than the Gundam pilots, they have to make new suits for him because he exceeds the limitations for the older suits. No one but Zechs could pilot the Tallgeese. Another reason was the mask, I loved the intrigue that the mask caused. Nothing like a big build up before you see the man behind the mask. What more could you ask for?
submitted by Japaro

Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Name: Asuka Langley Soyru
Age: 14
DOB: December 4th, 2001
Family: Mother- Souryu Kyouko Zeppelin
Father- Unknown
Residence: Tokyo 3, Japan
Nationality: 1/4 Japanese, 3/4 German, American citizen
Blood Type: O
Position: Pilot of Evangelion Unit 2
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Voice Actress: Miyamura Yuuko [Tiffany Grant]
Asuka is the most aggressive of the children, and strives to be number one in everything she does. She has a very high intelligence and graduated from the university at the age of 14. Her rival is Shinji in most respects, and dislikes Rei, she has a crush on Kaji, and can be very cold towards anyone at times. But she is a intergal part of Nerv and helps defeat
the ongoing attacks of the Angels.
Reason Why I like Her: Umm, I can't think of any reason NOT to =) She is a very strong and courageous person, even tho she can be mean a times. She has everything a hero needs, really, as well as gorgeous hair =) And hey, who else can work a plug suit like her? =)
Submitted byWherever_I_May_Roam

Anime: Ranma ˝
Name: Saotome, Genma
Alias: Mr. Panda
Race: Human/giant panda
Gender: Male
Age: 40 Years Approximately
Hair Color: White/black & white (fur)
Eye Color: black
Status: Martial artist, father
Human height: 5’ 10”
Human weight: 225lb
Voice Actors: Kenichi Ogata [Robert O. Smith]
In the anime Ranma ˝, Ranma Saotome and his Father Genma Saotome travel to China to the ancient training springs of Jusenkyo. Although warned about the devastating after-effects of falling into one of the many pools the two started their training. Genma is easily knocked into a spring and when he materializes from the deep water, he is transformed into a large panda. Ranma being so surprised is then knocked into another spring and is transformed into a red headed girl.
He was struck by the realization that he nor his son could return home to his wife for he could not explain this to her. He was so ashamed of Ranma and decides to try to marry him off to one of his friend Tendo’s daughters.
As a panda bear, he cannot talk and is forced to hold up wooden signs to convey what he’s thinking and will often play with a tire and eat bamboo on occasion.
Reason I think he's cool: Genma Saotome is just plain funny. Being that he is so ashamed of his son’s “defect” he beats the crap out of him whenever he gets the opportunity, slapstick never dies.
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