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Asana sat at her wooden desk, nervously dragging her pencil into the polished top. She looked up at the teacher who was pacing down the aisle handing out report cards to students. It was Asana's final year of high school and anxiously she awaited to see her grades. "Oh no..." she said to herself, "I have to graduate!"
Finally the teacher tossed down a piece of white paper. Graphs drawn across it in blank ink. She couldn't grab the paper fast enough. Her eyes peered of the characters. Science C+. Mathematics D-. Japanese C-. She grinned in happiness! "I didn't fail a class!" She exclaimed.
The other students giggled at her. Asana was not well liked, but well known at their high school in Tokyo. Asana was attractive, but didn't have much style for what was in.
Asana casually wore her brown mountain boots, jean capris, and a martial arts style red tunic. She was always considered a bully to smaller kids and she often had black and blue knuckles from punching random objects and people.
Though Asana was a rugged shrew, she had a soft spot. His name was Zenko, a childhood friend she had been in love with since the third grade. Every time he flashed his gorgeous smile towards her, she would just melt into a puddle of tomboyish mush.
Asana stood up and headed for the door as the ending bell rang. She grabbed her backpack and walked down the busy hall to find Zenko standing, reading his grades in the center of everyone. He stood like an angel, circled in a heavenly force field. He glanced up, as Asana approached him. "Hey." He greeted with a grin.
"I didn't fail! I'm going to graduate high school!" Asana exclaimed.
"Nice job! All Ds and Cs?" He asked.
Asana nodded, just as Kita approached. She was absolutely drop dead stunning. She had curly brown hair idly pulled up into two high pigtails. She had luscious chocolate brown eyes that were always full of life. Asana on the other hand was plain. A few freckles adorned her pointed nose. She had devious gray eyes surrounded with messy amber locks.
"I got high honors!" Kita stated, waving her report card in front of Zenko's face. He smiled warmly at her. "Same here!"
As the two discussed their grades, Asana just seeped back into the crowd like a honey bee in a nest. While Kita was a queen bee, laying all of her stupid eggs cause she was nothing but a slut. A genius slut. But a slut nonetheless.

That night, when Asana walked home she plopped herself down on the couch and flipped on the tv. She had thought about college, Tokyo University promised everyone that graduated a top job in some field... she couldn't remember which one. Asana wasn't smart enough to attend a university. There were only eight days left of school and Asana was graduating. That was something to be grateful for.
The phone rang. It was eleven o'clock and Asana had drifted off while watching old Sailor Moon flicks. She reached over to the end table and grabbed the receiver, "Yo." She answered, her voice deepening.
"Hey Asana-chan, I'm going to be late tonight sweetie, so make yourself some dinner." Her mother suggested.
Maw, its eleven. Where are you?" Asana asked, not believing in her mother's sweet act.
I'm in the office."
"I called two hours ago, they said you left for the evening." Asana stated, she could hear the loud commotion of voices in the background.
"Oh, well, I went back. I must go now. Bye dear." The phone clicked off.
Asana sighed as she set the phone back down. Another night for her mother at that sleezy bar, another night Asana had to attempt to use that awful thing called the kitchen. She stood up and dusted off her khaki skirt. "What to eat? What to eat?" She thought to herself. She opened the refregerator and grabbed a bottle of soda. She unscrewed the cap and took a few swigs. Then she set it back on the rack. "Cereal, instant miso soup, instane rice..." Asana grabbed a package of instant miso soup and poured water into a pan. Dinner was fair that night.

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