That morning, her alarm went off. Asana shot up like a homoerectus. Asana was constantly making metaphors and similes up in her head. It was her way of remaining occupied when grounded from TV. Homoerectus in some ancient language is a term used to say "walks upright." She slipped on a sparkly red tank top and old blue sailor shorts. She brushed her hair a few times, grabbed a pop tart and began her long walk to school.
As she turned from locking the door, she noticed Zenko waiting for her by a telephone pole. He smiled "Mornin'."
Asana couldn't believe her eyes, she smiled back, "Hey! What are you doing here?"
"I decided to see exactly how late you are each morning." He laughed.
Asana swallowed the remaining pieces of strawberry pop tart and jogged over to him. "Real funny."
"Hey, Asana..." he began.
"Want to go out for okinomiyaki today? After school, I mean."
Asana nodded, "I'd love to."
And cool it was. After school, Zenko treated her to a large okinomiyaki with everything on it. They swallowed it down in a hurry.
"You know," Zenko said in between a mouthful of okinomiyaki and a sip from his soda, "I love hanging out with you."
Asana was melting again, she looked into his sincere eyes and her heart felt like butterflies flying through flowers, "Really?"
"Yeah I mean, you're just like one of the guys!" He took another sip from his soda.
Asana nearly died. Those stupid butterflies were caught in a child's net and pinned to a mantle for show. Damn, that sucked. Asana just laughed it off anyhow, "Hey, that's me."
Just as the words escaped her pinkish lips, Kita walked over with Tokie by her side. Tokie was glaring at Asana and Asana was grinning at Tokie. They hated each other. But Tokie was best friends with Kita and Kita and Zenko were in love so Asana didn't beat on her too much.
Tokie took a seat next to Asana and Kita took a seat next to Zenko, and placed an arm around his neck. "Mind if we join you?" She said with an evil smirk.
"Not at all." Zenko replied, pulling the plate of okinomiyaki over towards her direction. Kita smiled and took a bite out of the crust. Asana looked at her watch, "Well, I'd better go... I have a lot of homework."
Zenko laughed, "First of all, there wasn't any. Secondly, you would never do your homework if your life depended on it, what's up Asana?"
"Did I say homework?" Asana asked innocently as she shoved Tokie off the chair. "I meant applications. I'm getting a new job as a life guard and I need to fill out some forms. But I better go home! Bye!"
"Want a ride? I have my car here... I'll drive you home in a few." Kita offered.
Zenko smiled, he was always impressed with Kita's politeness.
"No. No thanks, my house isn't too far from here. Enjoy the food. Bai!" Then Asana ran for the door and down the sidewalk. This is not how she wanted things to go and it pissed her off.

When she got inside, the was a message on her answering machine. She played it, "Hi Asana, I'm in China on a business trip. I'll be home by Monday. Mom."
Asana deleted the message. Her mother had met a guy and she was probably at a motel 6 where she would remain until next week. It looked like Asana would be cooking more dinners then she had planned to. Only she was out of Miso soup. Time to go to the market.
Asana loaded up her wallet with coupons and change and headed down the road towards to local market. To her luck and surprise, Tokie was standing in front of a stand of apples observing them carefully before she could make a precise selection of the finest fruits. Asana walked into her purposely. "Oh my bad, I didn't see you there." She said with a grin.
"Oh Asana, what an unpleasant surprise." She glared.
"Selecting apples I see? I thought you had your share of that." Asana said with a smile. Tokie had gotten her breast size surgically increased when she turned 16.
"Well, at least mine are bigger then yours." Tokie yelled.
The shoppers all paused to look at her. She smiled and waved a bit and the shoppers went back to their routine. Asana walked over towards the miso soup and grabbed a few bags of it.
"Mother out screwing some random guy again?" Tokie questioned.
Asana smiled and nodded, "You'd better watch your back."
"Hah!" Tokie flipped her short brown hair like what any snob would do and swayed her fat hips down the isle and towards the cash register.
"Stay out of the frozen foods section! Your artificial nipples might freeze!" Asana called after her.
Then she dodged a can of soup flying in her direction. "So that's why you were kicked off the softball team!"

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