On the way home from the market, that evening, the brisk summer air filled her nostrils and made her sneeze. "Damn pollen." She mumbled, rubbing her nose on her arm.
Then she looked up, a boy on a skateboard caught her attention. He continued by her, then stopped, flipped his skate board up and down and strolled back towards Asana. He looked different from the other guys around her, more punkish. He wore a black "Porn Star" shirt and baggy jeans. He smiled at her, cunningly. "Hey."
"Good afternoon." Asana replied boredly, showing no interest in boys anymore.
"What's wrong?" He asked, skating along side of her.
"I don't even know you, and I can tell something's wrong."
"Leave me alone, you're freaking me out."
"My name is Toravisu."
"That's a mouthful..."
"Well, its actually Travis."
Asana stopped, "English?"
"Yes, that's right. You look American yourself..."
"My mother was, she moved to Japan with her parents."
Asana stopped in front of her house, turning to walk inside. "Will I see you again?" Travis asked.
"Hopefully not." Asana mumbled.
"Sure, whenever." She turned to smile, then proceeded back into her house.

That night she cried. She promised herself millions of time she'd never cry, ever. No matter what happened, she would be stronger then everyone else. She wasn't the most attractive person, she didn't have the best hair, her eyes were pointy and evil, her only strength was her strength -- she didn't have much strength either.
Still the tears kept coming. From all the years she had remained "strong" she was only become more weak. It was that bimbo Kita's fault. With her politeness and "I can give you a ride if you want," attitude. It made her sick. Zenko would have been her's if not for that brat, Kita. She glanced out her window, Travis must have gone in for the night. Weirdo.

The next morning came earlier then Asana had expected, she dressed quickly and ran down the side walk hoping to see Zenko. No luck, she continued to walk to school. When she got there, she was a half hour late.
"6 days of school left and your late! Down to the office!" Her headmaster demanded.
Asana obeyed and slowly she strolled down to her common desk in the office. To her surprise, she found Travis there as well. "Hey!" He enthusiastically greeted.
"Shh!" Asana hushed him.
"Sorry, I never thought I'd see you here in a million years!" He replied, his tone at the same volume.
"Shh!" She hushed him once again.
Finally speaking softer, "You seem like such a goody-goody."
Asana laughed to herself, "Yeah. Right."
She motioned to the graffitti on the desks, "What?" Travis said, reading some of the inscriptions.
"All me."
"Nice!" Travis grinned.
Asana glanced back over to him, her had his lip pierced, as well as a few holes in his ear. "Did that hurt?" She asked pointing at his lip.
"Heck yeah."
"I wanted to get mine done..."
"Don't, it's not worth it."
"Why not?"
"You look like a doof when you take it out."
Asana laughed at him saying doof, just as the headmaster walked by, slamming his ruler down on Asana's desk, making her heart jump. "Silence!" He ordered, "You're here for punishment! Not gossip."
Asana and Travis continued to laugh quietly as he turned his back. She hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. She looked up at Travis and smiled.
After school, Travis walked her home. Catching the attention of many other students, especially Zenko. "Who's that kid?" He asked Kita, as they trailed behind.
"Asana? Or the boy?"
"Who'd ya think?"
"I heard his name is Toravisu."
"Toravisu? Where's he from?"
"Who knows, why?"
Zenko shrugged, for some reason he felt remotely jealous of the this Toravisu.

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Chapter 4