That evening, Travis showed Asana his house, it was rather large for that part of the area yet it was so close to Asana's house, pratically across the street. "Can you skateboard well?" She asked him.
"I guess..." He paused for a moment as the reached the front of her house, "You know, I never got your name..."
"Asana." She replied.
Travis smiled, "Do you have to go home right now?"
"No, not yet..."
"Want to go somewhere?"
"I don't know, can you skateboard?"
**Travis brought Asana to a local, outdoor, skate park. She had never seen such daring events before. Everyone seemed to know Travis, and the guys were quite fond of Asana. "Is that your girlfriend?" One guy asked Travis.
Travis just smiled and replied, "nope."
"Mind if I take 'er?" The guy asked.
"Yep." Was his answer.
Asana smiled a bit more and sat on the bench, intentivly watching Travis perform stunts on ramps. He was really agile and quick compared to the other skaters. He sped by, easing pop-shoves and mastering ollies. He didn't trip or faulter once. When he was through showing off, he sped up to Asana, "Wanna try?"
Asana's eyes widened, "Me?" She didn't want to look like a chicken, but she didn't want to look like a fool either. "I'm scared of... skates." She replied nervously.
"Oh come on." He lifted her off the bench and onto his board. He firmly held onto her waist
"I don't think this is a good idea!" She replied, as he pushed her to the top of the half pipe.
"Just act like its nothin'. You're not scared, are you?"
Asana was never asked that before, "Yeah, I am." She spoke softly.
"That's why you have to do it." He let go of her waist and she rolled down the half pipe and up the other side, screaming and clumsily balancing her weight on the board. "Lean left!" He shouted as she flew her way up the half-pipe. Instead of turning, she flew over to edge.
Travis blinked nervously, "Ah-Asana?" He ran around to the other end to find Asana, perfectly balanced on the skateboard, panting heavily.
Travis was impressed. He grinned at put his arm carelessly around her neck. "I told you, you could do it."
Asana looked over at him, "If you ever do that again, I will kill you."
Travis grinned wryly and lifted her off the skateboard and on the ground. Standing directly in front of him, she realized how much taller he was than she. She was only about five-two, he was about four inches taller. She giggled, looking directly into his Slipknot shirt. He wore black a lot, she noticed.
Without thinking, she hugged him. Surprised, he hugged back, taking in the sweet aroma of her hair. Asana peered around Travis' arm and saw Zenko starring at her in shock. He shook a bit then left. Asana broke from Travis' grasp and ran after him. "Wait up!" Asana cried after him.
Zenko turned around, "What is it?"
"What's up?"
"Is that your boyfriend or something? Zenko asked, cutting right to the chase.
"N-no, he's just my....uhm...cousin! Yeah, my cousin from America."
Zenko sighed with relief and smiled, "Oh..."
Travis looked at the two with confusion, "cousin?" he mumbled to himself. Then shook his head and left.
When Asana looked back, he was gone. She wondered if she had heard him talking to Zenko, what if Travis really liked her? Oh crapt, she was like a horse stuck in quick sand, once again. How on Earth could she get herself out of this perdicament?
**That night when her house was motherless and her cabinets empty, she sat looking outside her window. It was dark, and the street was lit up with televisions and lamps. Asana sighed, glancing up once again she saw Travis sitting on the roof. Crazy! She smiled a bit and laughed to herself. She wanted to do the same. She opened the latch on her window and climbed out. However, when she looked for a place to grab, there was nothing, instead she fell backwards out of her window. She let out a loud shreik, catching Travis' attention. He looked up and saw the dark figure land into a bush. "Asana..?"
He quickly climbed down the gutter and jogged over to her, she lay, head first into a rose bush, her skin shrouded in thorns. "Asana, are you alright?" He asked pulling her out of the prickly flowers.
"Oww..." She replied, her shirt torn and her skin bleeding. Travis lead her inside and grabbed a damp washclothe and bowl of water. He helped pull the thorn out of her arm and washed off her cuts. "What were you doing, anyway? Trying to kill yourself?"
"Trying to sit on the roof." She replied gloomily, then jumped as a thorn was pulled from her palm. Travis laughed at her.
After a moment of an awkward silence, "So I'm your cousin?"
Asana looked surprised and embarrassed, "Oh, you heard?"
Travis nodded, "I'm not deaf, you were standing right in front of me. Is he your boyfriend?"
Asana laughed, "no, nothing like that. I just... I've just had a crush on him since third grade."
"Do you still?"
Asana thought about his question for a while, looking distantly. When she heard the name Zenko, she didn't feel that same sensation. The chill everytime she heard his voice or see his smile. Zenko just seemed like a figure from the past. "No, not anymore." She spoke honestly, looking deep into Travis' dark brown eyes. "I'm finally over him, I think."
Travis smiled, slowly moving closer toward Asana until the lips met. They kissed softly, and Asana began to laugh.
Humiliated, Travis pulled back, "What?" He asked impatiently.
"You're lip ring is cold." Asana replied with a smirk.
Travis blushed deeply, and crosses his arms. "It's getting late, I better go."
Asana sighed, "Alright."
"Where are you parents?"
"You mean my mom? I don't know, she hasn't been home for a week now."
Travis smiled, hearing oppurtunity knock. "Want me to say with you?"
"No... I think I'll be alright."
Oppurtunity got the boot. Travis smiled anyway, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

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