Before the next morning arrived, Travis made a phone call. "Look, I'm really starting to like her. I don't care about the money. Whatever, bye."
**Soon, school was out and the long anticipated summer had finally began. Asana had been waiting so long to get a tattoo and she had finally stole enough money from Kita's back pocket and her mothers bottom dresser. She flipped through a magazine looking at her options when the doorbell rang.
Outside, stood Zenko, a rose in his hand. He had a pitiful puppy dog look on his face, Asana stepped outside and closed the door behind her. "What do you want?"
Zenko handed her the rose and nervously played with his fingers, "I wanted to ask you out."
"What about Kita?" Asana replied angrily.
"Look, its a long story..." he began.
"Well, you have five minutes."
"I'm getting a tattoo."
Zenko shook his head, dismissing the thought then he glanced back up at her passionately, "It's just that, I realize that you like Travis and all, but now that I can't have you... I want you. Kita doesn't matter anymore, I need you now."
"Well, that's touching, really." She said with annoyance and sarcasm "but Travis likes me because he can have me, not because he can't." She glanced up behind Zenko.
"Travis is such a loser! He only hangs out with punks and he'll never amount to anything. He is gothic and he worships the devil. Asana, don't you get it? I'm in love with you!"
Asana's eyes widened then fell back to their normal unenthusiastic glare. "So?"
"So, Travis is a nobody. He's such a fag! I'm way better then he is!" Zenko started to yell.
"Why don't you tell that to him yourself." Asana replied, motioning behind him.
Zenko swallowed hard, he could feel tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he slowly motivated around to find Travis standing a foot behind him, his arms crossed in disbelief.
Without another word, Zenko took off running down the street until he was out of sight. Asana laughed and hugged Travis. "Thanks." she said sweetly. He lifted her off the steps and got into his car.
The tattoo parlor was everything Asana had expected. "Do you want to get matching tattoos?" Travis questioned.
Asana looked up from the wall of selections "Huh?"
"Tattoos for couples?" He motioned to a list of matching tattoos. Two hearts, a bow and arrow.
"...Sure." She gazed through the many designs and picked one, two flowers. Travis laughed and shook his head, "Hell no!"
Asana looked back at the selection with disappointment, then one caught her attention, it was kanji and read Always on one, and forever. On the other. Travis agreed.
The initial feeling of the needle was irritating, Asana wanted to scratch her shoulder as it was applied but fought the urges. A scratch and a chill, a scratch followed by a chill of the ink being asserted into the skin. After half hour, it was finished. They applied a bandage over it and told Asana to keep it out of the sun for a while. The entire area felt like brush burn.
Afterwards, the two went down to the park. They sat on the bench beside a magnificent fountain built after the bombing of Hiroshima to represent the children that were killed in the devastation. Travis put his arm around her and they talked about their plans for the future.
"Hey!" a male voice yelled from behind the fountain, it seemed to echo off the falling water. Travis and Asana turned around to find Zenko his arm possessively wrapped around Kita's waist. Asana rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Go to hell." Asana ordered as she stood up and began walking in the other direction.
"Hey, wait." Travis stopped her suddenly. Asana turned around.
"Zenko, maybe you haven't heard the whole story about your girlfriend." Asana began suddenly, a conceited smirk forming. Zenko glanced down at Kita for a moment, she shot an icy glare at Asana.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Zenko replied in confusion.
"It turns out your not the only guy she's been seeing. "Travis glanced down at Asana, "Don't go there." He told her in a hushed tone.
"I heard she's been dating three other men." Asana announced. Kita's glare turned to pure hatred, her fists clenched.
Zenko quirked a brow, "Kita... is that true?"
She saddened, slowly nodding her head. "Yes,"
"So the innocent girl gets caught in her game. How said." Asana turned to leave again, taking Travis' hand.
"Wait a second." Kita replied, Asana stopped once again.
"Perhaps things aren't so happy for you as they seem."
"What is this a soap opera?" Asana yelled.
Travis smacked his head, motioning for Kita to shut up.
"Turns out that Travis isn't the persistent little punk you thought he was."
"What are you talking about, Kita?" She asked, gazing directly up into Travis' nervous stare.
"Don't you get it? What guy would actually want a girlfriend like you. Don't you think its a little odd that randomly a hunky skateboarder finds interest in an unintelligent tomboy like you?"
Asana looked puzzle, "what are you saying, Kita."
"No wonder you failed you're classes, you're such an idiot! I've been paying Travis to date you the whole time, moron."
"You fool, I did it so you would stay out of my business with Zenko. Your slowness is way too funny..."
"Travis is that true?" Asana asked in disbelief.
Travis looked distantly at the ground, "only in the beginning... Asana I really do like you."
Asana could feel her heart shatter and fall into nothingness. "Was the tattoo a bonus offer or an additional purchase?" She shook her head, neglecting an answer and took off.

"You deceitful bitch!" Travis said, glaring at Kita, he began to run after her, calling her name.

"All's well that ends well." Kita replied grinning while brushing off her hands.

"Shut up, you disgusting slut." Zenko replied and pushed her away.
"Zenko-Chan! I was just joking, of course I'm not cheating on you! Come back!"

Meanwhile, Asana flew down a flight of marble stairs heading away from Travis and the park. "Wait up!" Travis cried after her, she was half way across the street.

She turned around, "Why should I?"

"Asana, look... I was paid in the beginning, but Asana... I really do love..." his eyes widened in horror. "Look out!"

Asana turned her head, a speeding car raced around the corner and slammed into her. Her helpless body flew up the windshield and over the other side. Glass shattered everywhere, the breaks of the car screamed and Asana lay motionless on the road.

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