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Galaxie Sailors- The Dark Senshi

Welcome to the Dimension of the Galaxie Sailors- The Dark Senshi. The Galaxie Sailors are, as you could say, 'updated' versions of the normal scouts. Basically, I took the bodies and outline of the normal senshi and changed the colours of their uniforms and hair. But that's the point! The Galaxie Sailors are cross dimesion sailors of the normal scouts, meaning they come from a different dimension and look the same and all but have different uniforms, names, hair colour, eye colour... the whole bit! Also, the Galaxie Sailors are evil senshi. They came from their world and time to destroy Earth and to defeat the normal scouts and take their place... anyway, read each scouts profiles and story. It'll give you the whole 'jiff' of the thing.

Hope you like this part of my site, and please take the pole telling me which Galaxie Sailor is your fave!

^_^ Thanx!!! ^_^

Oh yeah, People have visited this part of my site since 02/26/01! ^_^

PS!!! I just added the pics of the sailors i promised oh so long ago! they're posted on their own page under Galaxie Sailor Pictures Section below!!!yeah!!! ok, get back to lookin around! lol. oh, and, just fyi, the pics are just the normal sailors with different colours. ok, bye now!

PPS: The version of Sailor NightStar here is the first version I created, but I have changed her story and appearance completely!!! If you would like to check it out, go here! ^_^

Galaxie Sailors Profiles

Sailor NightStar
Sailor LilyStar
Sailor FireStar
Sailor SeaStar
Sailor AngelStar
Sailor DevilStar
Sailor FreeStar
Sailor SunStar
Sailor SnowStar
Sailor AuraStar
Caped Prince

Galaxie Sailors Stories

Sailor NightStar
Sailor LilyStar
Sailor FireStar
Sailor SeaStar
Sailor AngelStar
Sailor DevilStar
Sailor FreeStar
Sailor SunStar
Sailor SnowStar
Sailor AuraStar
Caped Prince

Galaxie Sailors Pictures

Sailor NightStar
Sailor LilyStar
Sailor FireStar
Sailor Sea Star
Sailor FreeStar
Sailor SunStar
Sailor AuraStar
Sailor SnowStar