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"Early Beginnings" Warning: This content is very Raunchy, Erotic (more than usual for this site) and contains strong language but is meant for good entertainment, a contribution by a new writer called "The Cat"...Enjoy!

Early Beginnings

by: The Cat
DEC 00

Christine laid on a couch in the spare bedroom in the back of the house. A tiny reading light the only illumination of her book. Her parents were out on another business trip and wouldn't be home for a week. Which was fine with her. It allowed her the freedom to do certain things that she otherwise felt less than totally comfortable doing around her parents.

She worked hard at finding any excuse what so ever to wear a pair of sheer lycra tights and a lycra leotard around the house, or pretty well anywhere else she needed to go. Her excuse being that it was simply easier to wear them, now during the summer months, than to be constantly changing back and forth between regular clothes and her beloved and erotic lycra tights and leotards. She wore them most of the time. All summer long.

To help justify wearing them she enrolled in a gym and did aerobics and weight lifting, and took several classes at a local dance school. She went out daily to exercise or to class. Once sweaty she would shower and change into yet another pair of tights and a leotard. But she relished days like these, when her parents were away, and she was free to do or wear more risque' outfits. Most notably, sheer lycra tights with a thong bottom leotard. Lycra of course. Then to go out she would simply slip on a pair of appropriately colored classic five inch high heels, which made her six feet tall, instead of her normal three and a half inch heel tap shoes which were actually easier to walk in. Just not as sexy. Or sometimes adding to `the look' with a pair of ankle warmers, or a vest, or just a loose metal belt sitting low on her lean but shapely hips. And occasionally a short lycra wrap skirt.

It was simple for her. During the summer and after school, just wear lycra and nothing else. She always drew looks where ever she went. Even though she considered herself of rather average looks, with only an above average body. The few boys she had dated during the last year have all raved about her body. But she absolutely refused to have sex with any of the senior boys in her high school. She preferred much older men. Usually when she dated any of the boys she wears tights and a leotard with just a short lycra wrap skirt around her middle. That probably had some positive affect on their opinion of her and her body, even if she didn't spread her legs in the back seat for them. Although she did, if she felt the boy was special to her, get into some really heavy petting. Often ending when he came in his pants.

She finished the chapter in her book and turned off the book light. It was getting late and she had a nine am dance class. She stood and looked out the window through the darkness of the night. A stiff warm breeze blew the drapes along the edges of the windows. Her hands idoly caressing the lycra covering her young womanly body, getting a good arousal started. She stretched her arms up over her head. First one side, then the other. Working the kinks out. Finishing, she glanced out her window just as the light in a neighbor's window went out. Not next door. That house was vacant and hadn't been sold yet, but someone came every two weeks to take care of the lawn. No, it was Ben's house on the other side of that house. She froze and waited out of curiosity, to see if she could see anything in his yard, just for a few minutes, before she went to bed.

She and Ben had grown up to together. His parents, like hers, often went on long business trips. He was quiet but not shy. Still, she decided, there was something different about him. He was seventeen to her sixteen. She admired his nice build. Better than average. Nicely muscular.

She watched as a figure moved farther into Ben's backyard and entered her field of view from around the vacant house next door. It was very dark out. No other house lights were on nearby. It looked like Ben, she thought, but there was something odd. She couldn't see any clothes on him. He didn't look naked, it's just that she couldn't see any layer of clothes on him. It was really dark, but it just didn't look right.

She decided she needed a closer look. Hurrying to the front of her house she quietly opened and closed the front door. Her heels clicked lightly on the concrete. She should have switched back to her lower heels for this, she realized. It would make it easier to walk on the less than perfectly flat lawn. No matter. She felt her heart racing with the excitement. She passed between her house and the vacant house next door and carefully opened the gate into the backyard next to her's. She flattened herself against the dark red brick of the house and inched closer to what had to be Ben, standing in the middle of his yard. Luckily he was facing away from her. Once she got closer to the far side of the yard she crouched behind a large shrub. Suddenly hoping that her outfit, blue tights and a green leotard with long sleeves, couldn't be seen through the large bush she hid behind. Hopefully it was too dark out.

She could now get a good look at Ben. It was definitely him. He had on a full red lycra catsuit with turtleneck and longsleeves. Short black boots on his feet. She stared at him. His body was even better than she had realized it was. At least from the back side.

Then she realized what he was doing. Stroking his cock. She was fascinated. She had never seen a guy masturbate before. And certainly not while wearing her favorite skin tight lycra! Although she had seen one of the gay guys in her dance class stroke another guy in tights when they thought no one else was watching. She was fairly sure Ben was only interested in girls. Christine wondered what she should do. Should she step out and say hi as if nothing was amiss? Probably not the best course of action. A more suttle approach was needed. She needed to somehow let him know she liked seeing him in lycra, but not scare him, and not make him angry thinking he had been watched. So for now, she continued to watch.

Ben stopped stroking his shaft and relaxed. Wanting to stay erect for as long as possible. It was sexually exciting wearing lycra. And a real rush wearing it out side like this, even if it was at night when, hopefully, no one could see him. But even the thought of a neighbor catching a glimpse was exciting. He thought of the women he had dated recently and wished at least one of them was into lycra as much as he was. He began stroking his tool again. His mind imagining a woman with her legs spread in front of his hips. She also wearing lycra. His shaft moving in and out of her juicy pussy through a hole in the crouch. His rigid equipment protruding out a hole in his crouch. His hand moved back and forth along his shaft.

Christine watched as Ben relaxed and moved into a different area of the yard and she could now see his front better. And what a front it was, she thought! She had only made love twice and imagined all guys to be about the same width and length. Until now. He was as long and thick. He mouth dropped open. Just then Ben came. A single long whitish string of cum shot out of his cock and went a foot in the air. More oozed out, landing on the ground at his feet, as she watched him stroke his softening dick. He let go, took a deep breath and just stood there for a few minutes. His limp dick hung against his balls between his muscular thighs.

Finally Ben turned and walked back into his house and closed the door. The lights remained off.

Christine stood behind the bush. Her mind racing. What to do. How should she let him know she wanted him, in lycra. She thought on this as she walked back to her house where she finally peeled herself out of her sexy lycra and climbed into bed naked.

The next morning, before the alarm came on, and while still in a semi conscious dream state she came up with just the right solution. At least one that she thought might work.

That day, she remembered Ben liked to read comic books. Or at least he used to. She thought he probably still did given what he wore last night. They used to sit for hours during the summer months and read them sitting in a tree house in his yard. She smiled at the thought. The tree house was still in his yard. Unused now for several years. Probably unsafe to climb in, she thought, oh well.

After her dance class she hurried over to a fabric store, then home to shower and change. Debating what she should wear and the colors. She started sewing a long cape.

If Ben still liked comic book superheros she could certainly make one for him, especially if he loved lycra as much as she did.

Christine couldn't sew very well and she made several false starts, but finally she finished a long full cape. It was metallic silver lame', and hung very limply from her shoulders. And it wasn't too heavy a fabric, so a light breeze would easily blow it around. It was a pie shaped cape, with a hole near the center point for her head and neck to go through. It was a half circle gathered to form a quarter circle with added sections added to make it fuller across the bottom edge, which was about six inches off the ground. The center point would snap to her leotard below her breasts and along the shoulder seam to hold it's shape. A red lycra long sleeve leotard with a thong bottom and turtleneck made a nice contrasting color to the silver lame'. The thong bottom was pulled tightly between her round cheeks and the leg openings came higher that her waste. Then to show off her legs, that all the boys said were so great, she tried something different. Borrowing a pair of her mother's seamless Wolford pantyhose in pale pink, she discovered the nylon was a new and wonderful sensation rubbing against her shaven pussy. Unlike the cotton crouches and seams which were visible under tight leotards. Finally a pair of plain red stiletto heeled pumps.

She was ready. Now all she had to do was wait to see if Ben came out tonight. She removed the cape and relaxed on the couch with her book. Finding it hard to read. She was excited and nervous about doing this. She had never even thought about doing something like this before. Then again she hadn't realized Ben was into lycra either! Her heart was racing but finally beginning to return to normal.

Several hours went by and as the time grew closer Christine decided to put on her cape and wait in the yard between their houses for Ben to come out. Assuming he came out tonight. She had no idea when Ben's parents would be home from their trip which she was sure would halt his activities.

She stepped out the back door this time, into her backyard, careful to close the door quietly. The moon was still bright in a cloudless sky. Warm summer winds blew small branches about, along with her cape. She was quite pleased with the way it moved behind her.

If Ben was punctual, like most males, she had about thirty minutes until he came out. Knowing he couldn't see half of her yard she roamed around enjoying the feel of her cape and the wind. The moonlight reflected and shimmered along the folds of the metallic silver material. Her leotard must appear bright red against the silver. Christine felt ecstatic. Her heart racing again but not as much as before, her excitement was high.

After what she judged to be about fifteen minutes she wondered slowly over to the gate and stepped out of her yard and into the next yard. Thankful the house was vacant. Taking a gamble that his parents weren't home yet she then went into Ben's yard and stood out in the back with her hands on her hips, in superhero fashion, and waited for him to come out. The winds tugged her cape around her form, blowing against her back.

Ben couldn't resist going out again the second night, and as far as he was concerned every night for the next week. Again he lounged in a hot bath with some oil, then made sure all his body hair was completely removed. Finally stepping out and drying off. Ben relaxed for a while with some rented videos of erotic triple X superheros having all kinds of adventures. He stroked his massive cock during each movie, cumming each time, pumping a load of sperm into a bath towel. Each time he jacked off during a movie it took him longer and longer to cum.

He figured he could hide a few costume pieces from his parents since he was going to college in just a few months. So he went out a bought a few things he wanted to take to college with him. Maybe wearing a superhero costume at Halloween and science fiction parties. Or science fiction and fantasy conventions. Maybe.

After drying his short blonde hair he went into his bedroom. His costume laying on is bed. Picking up a full white catsuit with a turtleneck he stepped into it and zipped up the back. His long thick shaft and balls hung out a split in the crouch seam. Then wrapping a full circle black cloak around his neck and snapped it in place. Again putting on his black ankle boots he turned off the lights for a few minutes to give his eyes time to adjust to the darkness.

Without thinking that anyone could possibly be out in his own backyard, without looking first, he opened the back door and stepped out. Closing the door carefully behind him.

Ben turned and froze and his heart raced. His first instinct was to turn and go back inside, but he recognized the person standing towards the back of the yard. Wearing a beautiful superhero costume, and in lycra too!

It was his longtime and childhood neighbor Christine! Neither moved for several long seconds. Finally Ben decided she was still his closest friend, so he gathered the front edges of his cloak together to hide is manhood hanging out and tried to casually walk over to her like nothing was different or amiss.

Christine smiled as she watched him knowing this is what she had wanted for a long time. She just didn't know it. She relaxed her arms and moved towards him. What she could see of his muscular body seemed to light up from the moonlight hitting the glossy white lycra of his catsuit. She thought he looked really sexy and masculine in his costume.

They faced each other in the middle of the yard. An aquward silence fell over them. Neither really knowing what to say.

"I, um... I really love skin tight lycra."

This helped ease Ben's thoughts on why she was out here dressed like she was. "But why are you out here?" He asked softly. His breathing and heart rate just beginning to return to normal.

"Well, I was just getting ready to go to bed last night when I saw your light go out and a minute later you came out in that beautiful red lycra catsuit. I have to admit Ben, you looked fantastic in it!" Then softly, her head bashfully looking down.

"Really sexy."

For the first time Ben actually looked at her body, and what she had on. He never realized she was so good looking with such a fantastic body. Hard nipples poking through the thin red fabric stretched tightly over them. The way her long shapely legs and hips, well up past her waist, looked as if they were spray painted with a thin coat of pink nylon. Ben felt his manhood stiffen. Her waist narrow and flat. Breasts full and round. The way her cape was blowing around her body by the warm summer winds. All very stimulating.

Looking up, there eyes locked. Christine's hands slowly reached out for the edges of Ben's cloak. He was too nervous to move. Taking hold of the edges just above his hands, Ben let go of the cloak, eyes still locked with her's, she slowly opened the cloak and stepped forward enough for her nipples to rub against his chest. Nose to nose. Eye's locked. She slipped her hands up the edges of his cloak, a thin black shiny fabric, and gripping the edges below his chest. She pulled them back over his broad muscular shoulders. Revealing his beautiful seventeen year old muscular body covered with a coat of glossy white lycra! Not daring to look down at his stiff cock.

Feeling that familiar erotic lycra tingle begin deep in her hips, Christine was suddenly aware of Ben's cock pressing up between her thighs. Against her womanhood. A slight rubbing of the lycra covering her crouch as Ben breathed. Wanting to tell him everything. How she loved lycra and wanted to make love to him while wearing it the instant she saw him last night. Wanted to feel him inside her. His thick shaft pulsing and throbbing as it moved in and out between her thighs. Finally shooting his seed into her womb.

Christine snapped back to the here and now as she felt Ben's hands touch the sides of her hips. His touch was like electricity through her skin. The nylon a different erotic sensation against her skin and swollen excited womanhood.

Ben felt her hands lightly touch his abdomen. Finger tips caressing and laying along the surface of his body. Slowly feeling their way up his chest. Sliding over budging muscles sheathed in a layer of lycra. A trail of stimulation being left in their wake. His shaft stiffing even more as he felt it rub up against Christine's pussy. Her eyes half close with erotic delight as his hands continued to feel up her sides and around her back. Under her cape. Fingers slipping around her hard round cheeks. Exploring the deep valley between them. One hand cupped her thigh and gently pulled it up. She wrapped it around his muscular thigh. Aware of her breathing becoming more ragged with each passing second of his touch.

Slowly leaning forward his lips touched hers. A light tender kiss that continued for several minutes as each pulled the other tightly against themselves. Her arms over his shoulders hugging his neck. His around her waist and hips. Caressing and messaging. Lycra against lycra. Rubbing, pressing, warm bodies squirming with an electric sensation passing between them. Soft low moans of sexual delight and pending ecstasy, mixed with heavy breathing and panting as passions increased.

Both suddenly pulled apart. Breathing heavily, sexual tensions high. "Oh God, Ben. I want you. I've wanted you from the second I saw you last night."

She panted softly from their passionate lovers kisses. "I had no idea you loved lycra as much as I did. If I had we would have done this years ago."

Christine moaned with the stimulating erotic thought of her at, say thirteen, making love to him while wearing their beloved lycra. Ben look down at her body. The red leotard standing out against the silver lame' cape. Her legs... Those fantastic legs...

"But I don't want to ruin your leotard or pantyhose by putting a hole in them."

She smiled. "I have an idea. Assuming you can wait another night to consummate our love of lycra."

He smiled. "I might be able to hold on for another twenty four hours. Maybe." "Let me come up with something to wear for tomorrow night."

"I can wait. Let's meet in the yard between our houses at this time tomorrow."


Both just stood and looked at each other for a long while. Holding hands.

"I don't want to go."

Christine confessed. "Me either. But I'd love to watch you walk back to your yard. The moonlight on your cape really highlights your body. You look fantastic, Christine."

"Only fantastic?"

"How much more fantastic can a goddess in lycra get?"

Christine felt like the most beautiful woman in the world as she backed away towards the gate. There hands separating. Ben waved and waited as she turned and moved with a sexual suggestiveness, back to her house.

As her door closed Ben stroked his long thick cock. And with in seconds a thick bullet of cum shot from his head. Landing on the grass three feet away. Orgasmic spasms making his body quiver. His cape being pulled back by the warm summer winds. Ben stood there for a long while coming up with a plan for tomorrow night.

When he did finally go in, he couldn't get Christine out of his mind. And lay awake for a long time before falling asleep.

Christine stepped in her house and rubbed her crouch. Her orgasm exploded from deep in her hips. Her back arched and she gasped with it's intensity. Her whole body quivered as a wave of orgasmic pleasure passed through her.

A slight sheen of sweat formed on her brow. She pulled off the cape and kicked off her shoes and crawled into bed. Asleep within seconds.

The next day Christine thought for hours about what to wear before finally deciding on, what she thought, was a great idea for a costume to make love in. She showered, put on a silvery/gray lycra tank top leotard with a thong bottom, over sheer black lcyra tights with black pumps. She grabbed her purse and hurried to the mall. Then to the gym to for a late aerobics class.

Ben woke up late but felt energized and put on a pair of blue lycra tights and a white cotton tank top and headed for the gym to lift.

After returning home Christine took a long hot oil bath. Relaxing, or trying to, thinking about Ben and how they would share their love of lycra with each other when they made love tonight. She sipped a glass of wine to help her relax.

Finally getting out of the comfortable warmth of the bath, she dried off and set to work sewing her new costume. It didn't take long before she was finished having bought most of the pieces. With only a two short hours to go before they would meet she decided to put it on and enjoy the sensations of the silky lycra against her smooth skin. A lusciously sensuous feeling.

First she slipped on the bright blue lycra catsuit. It was a sheer glossy fabric with only a tiny short zipper down the back. Covered from toes to wrist to high up her neck. A short narrow slit ran from just in front of, to just behind her clit. She pulled up a pair of shiny red lycra thong briefs with a bright yellow elastic belt sewn to the waist. Next, a pair of red stiletto heeled pumps with a wide ankle strap. Bright red lycra gloves covered her hands and forearms. Then a long red chiffon `Superman style' cape attached across the shoulders and hung to mid calf. The slightest movement made the sheer materiel move around her sexy lycra covered body.

She checked herself out in the mirror, turning this way and that. Feeling the fabric as it covered her skin so tightly and yet to sensually. The anticipation was getting her really excited. Thinking about Ben and feeling his rigid manhood throbbing deep in her hips.

She turned off the lights and moved over to the window. The weather had cooled slightly, down to seventy degrees, and the wind had picked up. Whipping trees and shrubs back and forth. The winds howled as the whipped through the pine trees which sent delicious shivers up her spine. She stood for a long while just watching, then deciding she should be out in it, enjoying the feel of the wind buffeting her body, while she waited.

Ben glanced at the clock for the zillionth time and decided it was close enough, and that he should get ready.

Stripping his hairless body of clothes he pulled on his white lycra catsuit and instead of his black boots he put on a pair of metallic silver boots he had just bought along with metallic silver lycra trunks with high cut legs. Similar to what cheerleaders wear. His firming erection was cupped beautifully in the silky lycra of the trunks. Then he through on the black cloak and went outside.

Strong winds were whipping around the houses and causing large branches to sway back and forth. It grabbed his cloak and pulled it far to one side. The winds felt good. A few clouds blew quickly over head. The moon even brighter than last night, and in another week or so would be full.

He saw Christine standing in her backyard. The cape of her fantastic costume flowing back from her shoulders as she faced the winds. Legs apart and hands on hips. In true superhero fashion, Ben thought. How very erotic.

Her back was to him and he decided to try and surprise her. Quietly moving from his yard into the next yard, then through that yard and into hers. Creeping up behind her.

He hurried up behind her and grabbed Christine around the waist. She gave a short scream and Ben let go. She spun around and through her arms around his neck pressing her warm sexy body firmly against his budging muscles. Lycra rubbed lycra and that sensual electric tingle ran between them where they touched. Ben moaned low and deep as Christine pressed her lycra covered hips hard against his. Grinding lycra pussy against rigid lycra cock. Lips pressing in frantic wild open mouthed kissing. Between moans were the pleasant sounds of heavy breathing. Both now solely focused on each other and a sexual desire previously only a dream.

After several minutes of driving each other near a sexual frenzy they separated. Hearts racing with more heavy breathing as they stared into each other's eyes. Her cape wrapped around both of them as his cloak flew out behind them.

"I've been waiting for you, my love." Her tone was that of a lover. Tender and sensuous.

"Since last night." He replied.

Both knowing that once they made love they wouldn't be able to go back to `just being friends'.

"I have a little suprise."

Each put their arms around the other and Ben lead her into the backyard between their two houses. Stopping at the back door to the now vacant house.

She looked questioningly at Ben, but he smiled warmly and picked a rock up near the steps. One of many in a group. It was hollow and a key was hidden inside. Ben unlocked the back door and opened it.

Christine smiled a knowing smile and entered a short hallway. Ben closed the door and she followed him into the first room to the right. Once the master bedroom. A thick beige carpet covered the floor. Ben opened the two large windows facing the backyard. A warm wind whipped through the room blowing their capes around.

"Last chance, Christine. No going back after this."

"Oh Ben, I want this more than anything! I want to feel you inside me...!"

And she through herself at him, resuming where they left off outside. Ben's arms around her waist. She felt his strong hands caressing her lycra covered hips and back under her cape, feeling that luscious body of hers. Her arms over his broad shoulders invited him to explore her body. To explore every inch of her sensitive lycra skin. She could feel her passion rise. Could feel his passion grow to new lengths under his tight silver trunks. She resumed grinding her tight hips against his long thick cock. Heard his soft low moans. She knew she was getting to him in a good way. Yes, she thought, a very good way, smiling to herself.

Their kissing quickly returning to it's frantic wild state. Both standing in the center of the room as there capes blew around them in the white painted room.

Christine lifted her leg and let snake around his. Making it caress up and down his muscular thigh. Rewarded with more deep animalistic moans from deep in Ben's throat. Her breathing and softer high pitched moans matching his deeper ones. Her's now starting to sound more like true sexual moaning and gasping. Realization of what she had been missing in sex for these past few years made her even more wanting of Ben's cock inside her lcyra covered hips.

Pushing herself back to arms length, both stood panting from there sexual desires.

Slowly kneeling she ran her fingernails down his chest. Ever so slowly. Ben's head leaned back. More animalistic moans. This one actually sounded more like a growl. Her hands finally reaching the waist band of his tight silver trunks as she knelt. Hands caressing over his large muscular thighs as her eyes devoured his cock. She had no idea how long it was. Ten, twelve inches? And at least as round as a toilet paper tube. At least that thick. It curved off to the right. The head nearly at the waist band. Her hands trembled as she began to inch his trunks down. First pulling the front out and down revealing his head and several massive inches. Then fondling her way around the back of his tight round cheeks she pulled the waist band down over his cheeks. Then back around to pull the front all the way down below his sac. He was completely hairless and his skin silky smooth. His manhood stood straight out like someone pointing a gun at her face. She smiled at the imagery and lightly kissed the end of his cock head. Inching his trunks all the way down to his feet. Feeling as though she was bowing before a lycra god. It felt so very right. Ben stepped out of his trunks and let his fingers caress through her hair. Christine tossed the now unneeded trunks to one side and focused on the most beautiful and largest cock she had ever imagined! Ben pulled her up to him.

"My turn." He whispered.

Eyes focusing on her breasts as his fingers lightly circled her nipples. Brown and rock hard they poked at the sheer silky lycra covering them. Christine sucked air between her teeth as her arms rested lightly over his shoulders. Ben also knelt slowly letting his hands cup and fondle her round firm orbs. Then snaking down her front and around her back to caress her round tight cheeks and thighs. Running his hands back up the front of her legs letting a finger lightly pass over her clit. A wet spot had already formed in her crouch. She quivered with delight and wondered how much more she could take before he had her. Her only regret was that she wasn't a virgin. Just for him. Following her lead Ben pulled the front of her trunks down half way then pulled the back thong out from between her cheeks. Finally pulling the front down and sliding it down her legs. After she stepped out he tossed it to the side.

He had never seen a completely hairless pussy before. Never imagined a woman would shave it bare. But, he thought, why should it be any different from the rest of her body encased in lycra. Wanting to feel that tight stretchy silkiness become a second skin. Her lips were swollen and wet and obviously sexually excited. He stood again.

They resumed there kissing and fondling with a passion. Lycra bodies rubbing and caressing. Sexual feelings nearing there limit. Christine realized she had reached a sexual plateau. Kneeling, she pulled Ben down with her. Then she leaned back onto the plush carpet. She raised her arms over her head in a sexy pose. An inviting pose.

Ben ran his hands up her shins and separated her knees. She wasted no time and wrapped her legs around his waist. Pulling him to her. Then took the head of his cock and placed it between her hot wet lips. It felt hot as he worked it into her cunt with a twisting motion, moving in short thrusts back and forth, as far as he could. Several inches at the base were left uncovered. Ben's balls hung free. Christine felt Ben's massive head press against the end of her vagina. Felt the thickness of his tool fill her womanhood to it's max. It felt like a hot poker in hips. And it felt so good! She squirmed with delight. Her hands caressed his body. Just as much as she could feel.

Ben lay on her as they kissed. His hands propping his lycra covered body up to lightly rub against her's. Like two snakes in heat.

His black cloak draped over both of them like a bed sheet. Christine jerked the neck open and pulled Ben's cloak to one side. It slid over his body with an electric sensation.

With long slow movements of his hips Ben began pulling his shaft out of her love tunnel until little more than his cock head was left inside her. Then gently and slowly slammed it back into her wet pussy. Feeling his head bump into the end of her hot cunt. Balls swinging and bumping into her cheeks just below her clit adding to his sensation.

Soft moans of ecstasy filled the room even over the winds. One deep and animal like. The other softer higher and very feminine. Her soft feminine grunts sounded from deep in her being with each tender thrust of his massive manhood. Filling her life with his. Thrust after thrust after thrust. Time stood still and raced forward at the same time as both focused solely on the other and their impending climaxes. Christine tightened her pelvic muscles as Ben pulled out creating unreal suction on his cock. He thrust his shaft back into her harder and faster. Her soft grunting becoming a moan which became louder with each thrust. Her body squirmed under his. More lycra rubbing electric lycra. Thrusting faster and harder. No words needed to be spoken. Balls now slapping against her lycra covered anus with each quickening thrust.

"Oh god! Ben! Please cum now!" She cried.

A burning tingling sensation beginning deep in her hips. Christine's body arched. Her legs clamped down around Ben's waist. Pointed heels digging into his cheeks.

Thrusting his hips quickly in and out of her wet pink cunt. Speed increasing. That orgasmic feeling begins. Balls tighten up. Ben pumped her pussy harder than he realized. Christine grunted loudly as her body squirmed under his. She froze as her climax picked. Ben started to cum. With each thrust a thick whitish rope of sperm shot from his round head.

Christine felt his cock throb and pulse with life. Ropes of man cum shooting into her womb. Juices mixed and squirted out around the sides of Ben's shaft with each thrust of his cock. She felt each of those bursts of cum shoot from his head. Hitting the end of her lovetunnel. She counted three bursts of cum shoot from his cock before she collapsed. Her orgasmic energies spent. She lay panting.

Ben's back arched holding his shaft in her as he pumped the last of his seed into her womb. And collapsed onto his elbows. His head hung next to her's, resting on the carpet. Panting heavily.

Outside being buffeted by the strong summer winds stands a lone figure. A woman dressed in a zentai style shinny black lycra catsuit. Two small shaped holes over her eyes the only openings. A full figured, but otherwise average looking woman of forty two, standing five and a half feet tall. Flat belly and narrow waist. Firm round melons seem to float in front of her chest. Her normally long glossy straight black hair would hang past her waist, tonight it's tucked under skin tight lycra. Watching Ben and Christine make young love she ducks down below the window ledge and silently returns to her home where she waits patiently for her chance.

The massiveness of Ben's shaft in her hips, between her luscious thighs, began shrinking and within only a few minutes slipped out. Despite both of their efforts to the contrary.

He rolled off and onto to his side next to Christine and up on one elbow. Christine stretched her arms over her head and in the process, struck a sexy pose for Ben. She felt his hand resting warmly on her firm belly, lightly caressing. A tinge of sorrow crossed her mind as she realized he would be going off to college very soon. They would have only the nights to meet and few of those before her left. All too soon.

She rolled on her side and looked him in the eyes. Through her leg over his hips and began kissing him tenderly. Teasingly and playfully, lightly yet passionately. Hyper aware of her nipples rubbing against his broad muscular chest. The extra added sexual stimulant of lycra rubbing lycra over a sensitive area.

Laying on the floor tenderly kissing and caressing as the winds continued to whip through the open windows. Finally and silently they pulled apart and stood. Turning away as they shyly pulled on their trunks. Covering their openly lustful hormone and lycra driven sexual adventures in the dead of night.

Turning back to face each other, they through themselves together in more wild and passionate kissing and fondling for long minutes.

Again they pulled apart. More heavy breathing as they looked into each others eyes. This time they held hands. They had accomplished their goal. There friendship was now gone as two young lovers enjoy their lycra fetish. Closing the windows they moved silently out of the house. The key replaced. All as if nothing had happened or changed. They stood in the yard. Winds pulling superhero capes to one side.

Ben hugged her tightly. Warm young bodies pressed together.

"I'll leave a note taped to your bedroom window about where and when we can meet next." He whispered in her ear.

"I'll look forward to it."

Ben watched as she walked slowly back to her house. At the door she turned and waved, then disappeared inside. The house lights remained off.

Ben thought he had some idea of what it felt like to actually be superman, as he returned to his own home.

That Sunday Ben's parents returned from their business trip. Ben and Christine's nightly rendezvous stopped. But they were instantly replaced by them going out on an almost nightly date.

She in heels, lycra tights and a leotard covered sometimes by a short skirt. Him in the same under his jeans and dress shirt. In constant search of a dark secluded spot usually on the edge of town, or in a parking lot. Each hopping in the back of his parents van and further exploring their love of lycra and each other.

Then just two weeks after that Ben went off to college. It would be a long wait for him to return for the holidays so they could resume their lycra lovemaking. Her senior year of high school wouldn't start for another week. Christine spent her time exercising and all but living in lycra.


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