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"Who I Did Last Summer" Warning: This content is very Raunchy, Erotic (more than usual for this site) and contains strong language but is meant for good entertainment, a contribution by "The Cat"...Enjoy!


Who I Did Last Summer (sequel to: "The Suprise Visit")

by: The Cat
APR 99

Well... Three days ago, this past Friday, I took my girlfriend to the bus station for her return trip to Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS, and to await my return in two weeks when college registration begins. Yesterday our neighbor, Carla, with whom Sonja and I had enjoyed the last four weeks of roleplaying and sex, described what she thought would be a fun way for she and I to continue our sexual roundevious at her house. Sonja knows all about this. So, for the last four weeks while my parents were away on vacation, the three of us explored various mild roleplaying scenarios and tried a little public exhibitionism, leather, rubber, S&M, and domination/slave roles. We didn't get nearly as kinky as we could have, but all three of us found we really got into and enjoyed being exhibitionists with leather, pantyhose, and skin tight lycra. Carla and Sonja aren't into other women sexually, but at my urging they would do a little fondling, licking and kissing for my erotic enjoyment. I owe them big time for that, and Sonja said she would let me know what she wanted in return when I joined her at college and our shared apartment. Carla, on the other hand, stated her request flat out.

Every night from now until I leave for college she wants me to dress in some black dance clothes and sneak into her house between eleven and one am, like some thief, for sex. She loves to roleplay and she said to simply play along with whatever happened. For what she and Sonja did at my request, this is a small price to pay. Of course I instantly agreed.

I picked my parents up from the airport Saturday and they tried to relax while gearing themselves up for work on Monday. During the weekdays I did my usual stretching on the back porch. Today I'm wearing only my new sexy G-string that Sonja bought me before she left. It's a soft shiny black leather with silver studs around the pouch and thin leather strings holding it on my slender hips. And as has become our usual game during the day Carla would come out on her second floor porch in her red silk bathrobe to just relax and read, but mostly to watch me stretch. For over an hour I give her a real show. Sometimes letting my erection slip out of the top of the leather G-string. Or on occasion removing my thong or G-string all together.

And as I watch her watching me, she likes to finger herself, letting her bathrobe fall wide open. I don't think it gets much better than this. Then my parents would come home usually between six and eight pm. We'd often go out to eat, and for them, it'd be about time for bed. Mine and my parents bedrooms are on the second floor. Mine is in one corner of the house, facing the backyard and our yuppy neighbors. Since I'm in reasonably good shape I went out and bought a thick rope and knotted it every couple of feet and hung it out my window, to climb up and down. I know it's a little dangerous but I feel fairly confident in my abilities to not let myself slip and fall.

Why I'm laying on the ground, with a broken leg, below my window with a rope hanging out of it, and wearing black tights and a leotard, might be somewhat difficult to explain. So I'm extra careful doing it. Carla said she would leave a window open on the backyard side of her house for me to climb in thru. The door being far to easy.

Monday night. My parents first day back to work in four weeks. I waited until midnight to head over to Carla's. Being the first night, I can't tell you how nervous I was. Sneaking out of the house without someone seeing me. Climbing down the rope. Sneaking over to my neighbor's and in through a window. It was an incredible rush! Then reversing the process to return, hopefully before anyone had noticed I was gone. I didn't have to worry too much about someone finding out I was gone. My parents would be sound asleep. But just to be on the safe side, I would place some pillows in my bed and, hopefully, make them look like I was still there and asleep.

Carla told me what she liked and how she wanted me to dress for her erotic midnight encounters and I happily agreed. Tonight I put on a pair of thin tights that I slit the seam in the crouch for my manhood to hand out of, and a pair of black ballet slippers. A black lycra leotard with long sleeves and a turtleneck. I reached back and pulled the zipper up to the top of the neck. Then a pair of black lycra gloves and finally I glued on the black rubber Robin eye mask that we'd been using off and on these past four weeks.

My heart was racing with excitement. I had moved my large cedar chest in front of the window earlier in the day and now tied the rope around it. I slowly climbed down the rope. Easy. Once on the ground I slipped silently through our yard and through the gate connecting our backyards. The open window was on the porch and about knee high. I easily stepped through it and into her kitchen. A small candle burned as it sat on a plate. Next to it on the counter lay a note. It read simply, `Have your way with me.' I blew out the candle. All the lights were off and I stood for a few minutes and let my eyes adjust to her dark house. No tall, overhead, illuminate the neighborhood, street lights in here. Then I crept up the stairs to her bedroom. I had only her note to go on, as to what she wanted to roleplay. I reached the top of the steps and peeked into her bedroom.

Carla's king size bed with four large wooden corner posts was to my right. Windows in the wall facing me, and a closet covered the wall to my left. Carla lay under only a single beige satin sheet on her bed. It lay against her body like some shiny beige liquid. It was easy to see that she slept in the nude. She always did. I crept over and stood by the head of the bed. Then I pulled the crouch of my leotard back and stroked my shaft rigid. Then I prepared myself, and jerked the sheet back that covered her body. It barely made a sound as it seemed to float off the end of the bed. Carla's eyes popped open as she rolled from her side to her back. I clamped my hand over her mouth and jumped between her legs. I leaned over until my face was just over hers.

Whispering in a sweet little voice.

"Don't resist. Give in."

I smiled at her, then reached down and placed my round head between her lips and rubbed it up and down. Carla's eyes half closed and I felt her breathing increase.

"I'm going to remove my hand. Hush, and make no sound this night."

Carla nodded. I slid my hand down her chest, cupping and fondling her full breasts even as I jerked my hips forward driving my shaft deep into wet tunnel. She opened her mouth but no sound came out, and she arched her back. I began pumping my shaft into her. Carla reached back and grabbed at the wooden slats of the headboard. Her legs were wrapped around my waist as she squirmed under me. My eyes riveted to her breasts as they swayed from side to side. Her brown nipples were large and erect. Her hips moved out to meet my tool as I slammed it forward into her hips. That luscious feeling of my cock sliding into her hot wet pussy. Feeling my round head bump into the end of her love tunnel each time I impaled her. I pounded her pussy fast and furious.

Carla finally bucked several times as I pounded her. I kept thrusting my member into her hot cunt. Her juices squishing out around the edges of my shaft as she came. Then she collapsed on the bed.

But I didn't stop pumping her. Her pussy was now swollen and hyper sensitive and I continued to pound my cock into her pussy. I listen to that wonderful juicy sound as my rod penetrated her until my loins filled with pleasure and cum shot from my round head and filled her clit. Our juices mixed and again squirting out around the sides of my cock as it softened.

I pulled out of her and moved around to the side of the bed near her head.

"Lick me clean."

Carla leaned over and her mouth sucked my limp dick in. I moaned with delight. Her mouth was almost as hot as her pussy, and her tongue licked around my balls then sucked my limp shaft clean. I pulled it out of her mouth and covered it with my leotard. I reached over to her neck.

"Now a simple nerve pinch on the neck and you'll be out for several minutes." gently squeezed the side of Carla's neck and she pretended to go limp on her bed.

"More than long enough to disappear into the night."

I let my fingers caress their way from her neck to her ankle. Lightly circling one nipple, then her navel, barely touching the top of her shaved clit. I crept out of her house, taking the note by the candle with me, and climbed back up to my room. My heart was racing as I climbed through my window. Quickly removing my clothes, I climbed into my bed. But sleep did not come quickly. Images and alternative scenarios kept running through my mind before I finally slept.

One night in particular was very different from all the rest. I slipped through her open kitchen window and the note read, "Defend yourself and fight your way to me and rescue me." Next to the note lay a paint pellet gun. It looked like pictures I'd seem of a colt 45. I pointed it at the wall and pulled the trigger. A soft `pop' sound and a red spot about three or four inches around appeared. I started to look around the kitchen and noticed one of those green night lights plugged in in every room. Just enough light to see by.

My heart skipped a beat as a white arm extended around the corner and I heard the soft `pop' of another paint pellet gun being fired. This time at me. A red stain appeared on the wall behind me. I ducked and moved around the island in the center of the kitchen, and froze. Now the note made sense.

After a few minutes of waiting and watching the door I saw a woman that I didn't recognize, dressed all in white. Longsleeve lycra leotard, sheer tights and white pumps. The night light gave the white lycra an erie green tinge. She was standing right up against the edge of the door. The hand holding the gun was up in the air in front of her and ready.

I was in the dark shadow behind the island. No movement. No sound. Suddenly she whipped around the corner and leveled her gun, searching the room. I pointed the gun at her hips and pulled the trigger. Pop. A red stain appeared just above her crouch. She made a face and her hand grabbed for the pretend gut wound. I pulled the trigger again. Another stain appeared just above her hand. Her gun dropped to the floor. Pop. Another stain. She staggered back and dropped to her knees, then fell back, still moaning and clutching her belly. I stood and she raised up slightly. Wrong move. Another stain appeared between her breasts and she jerked back and lay still.

Pop. I jumped as another stain appeared on the door jam next to me and I peeked around the corner. Another woman was crouched at the base of the steps half behind the railing, at the far end of the hallway. She too was in white but instead of white tights she had plain nude hose. Then I noticed her huge breasts. Had to be double D's! The thin white lycra was stretched very tightly over them. And it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. Her dark nipples were massive and hard under the shiny fabric.

Pop, another red stain appeared behind me on the door jam. I dropped low and raised my arm and fired. Aiming between the railings. Pop. She raised her arms and jerked back against the wall. A red circle on the edge of one large tit. Pop, pop, pop, pop. Two red stains appeared on or near each of her dark rock hard nipples. Her body jerking as each pellet hit. Her arms dropped and she slid down the wall and sat on the floor. Finally slumping over to one side.

I moved cautiously to the end of the steps. Climbing slowly. At the top of the steps I flattened myself against the wall outside of Carla's bedroom door. Peeked around the door.

Carla was tied spread eagle to her bed posts. Pink stockings and garters with a lacy bra. Stiletto heeled pumps with thin ankle straps. A gag held a ball in her mouth. My cock jumped. I was ready, but `pop', jerked me back to reality. A third woman, dressed only in a sheer white catsuit with high heels, stood behind Carla. Making Carla her human shield. She was young, maybe eighteen, petite, and had long black hair to her tight round rear. She was Japanese and very beautiful.

She peered around Carla's body.

"So my love, this is your white knight." She had a modest accent with a real take charge tone. "He wouldn't be able to save you. Come in Peter. Let me see you. First, of course, drop your gun in the doorway."

I quietly and quickly went to the bottom of the steps and carried the woman back up to the bedroom door and entered with her in front of me.

She became angry. "Step out from behind her and face me."

I moved around the bed and she moved behind Carla and over the bed and dove for the door. I dropped my corpse and shot her in the back. She arched and stopped in the door. I pumped another round into her. Again she arched her back and turned, holding the door frame. One arm behind her back. She raised her gun. I fired first. A red stain appeared in the center of her chest. She jerked and fell back to the floor.

I untied Carla and carried her down stairs to the kitchen.

"Well, that was really different." I said.

"Yes it was. I wasn't sure when I set it up, but it worked out quite well."

The three woman appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Peter, this is Soo Lin, from my aerobics class," She bowed. "and Barbara and Linda. Two of my cousins."


"Thank you ladies for participating in my little roleplaying scenario. I will see you all tomorrow for lunch."

Carla herded them to the front door. She closed and locked it behind them.

"Now it's just you and me Peter."

I pointed my gun at her. "No, it's just me."

Pop. A red stain appeared just below her chest and she jerked back. Her eyes wide with mock horror. Her hand touched the red and she looked up at me.

Pop, pop. She jerked and fell to the floor.

I placed the gun back on the counter next to the candle, took the note and slipped out the window and back to my room to record my thoughts.

The next night, Carla made up for not getting fucked the night before. She used the gun, caught a thief in her house, tied me down and pumped me dry for several hours!

So it went for the next two weeks. And every night I would put on a pair of black tights and a leotard and sneak over to Carla's bedroom. And afterwards, when I returned to my bedroom, I would take with me the note she would leave for me by the candle. Entering into my journal I kept in my laptop, word for word, what she had written for me to do, or expect. I would carefully burn each note afterwards. Then spend a few minutes recording the details of that nights events, thoughts and feelings.

That Saturday morning about 8:30am I through my last bag of stuff into an old used volvo my parents had bought for me. Both of them standing and talking to our neighbors waiting for me to finish.

"Ok, that's it. Oh, I've got to say good-bye to Carla. I'll be just a few minutes."

"All right Peter."

I trotted over into her backyard and knocked on her back door. Carla let me in. Her luscious body encased in a bright blue lycra leotard and sheer gray tights.

We kissed for several seconds before we pulled apart.

"Are you ready to head back to school?"

"Sure. Everything's packed. What's with the tights and leotard?"

"Today I start lifting weights at the gym. Every day. I thought I'd get to know some of the muscle bound guys there and find one with a big cock who isn't a jerk and seduce him. Hey, I have to do something until you and Sonja get back."

I laughted lightly. "Wonderful. We'll expect you to have a buffed body when we come back. Send us a picture of you and him in tights."

"Will do. And I have a gift for you and Sonja." Carla's hands expertly unbuckled my belt. Unsnapped my jeans and unzipped my fly before I even realized she had done it. "But first a little something to send you on your way this beautiful Saturday morning."

She pulled my jeans down about my thighs and pulled the top of my lycra thong over the top of my erection and wasted no time with pleasantries. Her mouth sucked my shaft in and her head bobbed back and forth along my penis. I ran my fingers through her thick curly hair. My hips meeting her head as it bobbed forward. My loins quickly filled with pleasure and I shot a load in her mouth. She greedily sucked and swallowed it all, waiting just a minute for that last drop before sucking and licking me clean. She stood. I redid my pants.

I took a deep breath. "Wow. Thanks."

"Now, here's a little gift for the two of you. But you have to promise not to open it until you are at school with Sonja."

She handed me the gift wrapped in shiny black paper with silver ribbon. It looked like a book.


"Whoops... I think I hear your parents calling for you. Email me with your schedules."

I headed out the back door. "Will do Carla. And thanks." I waved.

"Chow Peter."

I hurried back to my car and hopped in tossing the gift on the seat next to me. I said my good-byes to mom and dad and headed off to college. Sonja had emailed me the evening before saying she waited lustfully for me. Thoughts of her filled my head for the rest of the day.


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