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In this story, I wrote it in the format that I would have submitted it to Villain's Superheroines demise site. I intended to have a photostory produced based on this story. It seems unlikely now, so I put it up for all of you to enjoy. If you can make some pictures (drawings, photos or computer generations) based on a photo, I will post them with this story.

Grim Discovery

Grim Discovery
By Mr. Jinx

Lady Nitro
A failed physics experiment in a laboratory caused young scientist Monica Dashen to receive superpowers. These powers are like explosive atoms that runs throughout her body, which gives her incredible strength. She can channel this explosive energy through a special ray gun and fire it with a destructive force. And hence she became Lady Nitro, an explosive force for justice.

(Photo 1) Lady Nitro enters an old abandoned power plant that lies outside the edge of the city. She was investigating the reports of unexplained activity in this rural, secluded part of the State. The reports were of strange lights and bizarre looking creatures being seen in this area. (Photo 2) As she made her way deeper into the old structure, she was fascinated to find it unusually bright. It was as if the sun's rays were trapped in the walls. Unbeknownst to her, her every action was being monitored. (Photo 3) Soon, she made her way deeper into the old run down building and she found that the old power plant was just a shell. It was just an outer layer for a huge structural complex. The surrounding walls were made of an unknown shining metal. It was as if someone had made a secret war bunker. "So, this must be what is causing all those reports of strange activity. I must find out who or what is behind this." She thought to herself. (Photo 4) "I feel an evil presence here. I must solve this mystery, if this is some new facility for evil purposes they will have Lady Nitro to deal with!" She proclaimed. The young heroine stood proud, ready to meet this challenge head on. (Photo 5) But her investigation would not be without obstacles. As she explored the facility, she encountered many locked doors and dead ends that only her explosive kicks could break through. All while; she is continuously watched by unseen eyes. (Photo 6) As she made her way into the final compartments, she found no answers to the origin of this structure. But she does find a force field blocking her way. "The answers I seek must be in here. A blast from my Nitro gun will get me through." She boasted. (Photo 7) "This force field is strong! I better use full power!!" she shouted. Under the massive pressure from her Nitro ray the shield collapses. (Photo 8) "Good! The field is finally down, maybe now I can solve this mystery." She spoke. But as she was about to continue her quest, she sees a familiar symbol on the wall, a black flame. She has heard of this symbol in stories from outer space. (Photo 9) Suddenly, a dark figure materializes right in front of her. "YOU!!! What are you doing here on Earth!?!" she screamed. The once fearless heroine is now shaking in her silver boots. (Photo 10) "I see that my reputation precedes me. I wanted my presence here to be a secret…but because of your meddling, I will have to modify my plans." He spoke in a ghostly manner. The heroine is paralyzed by fear. This being in front of her is the biggest threat to the galaxy and she is alone against him. (Photo 11) Her legs give out from under her and she falls to her knees. She knows that she is no match for this villain. His mere presence here on Earth could mean the end for all she holds dear. " You know too much. I can't let you leave with this knowledge." Spoke the enigmatic being as he stepped towards her. (Photo 12) "St…Stay away from me!" she begged. The fear stricken heroine tries to back away. Her powers are dwarfed compared to his and it is overwhelming her. She knows he can easily erase her from existence. (Photo 13) But then she remembered her duty as a super heroine. " No! I can't let you begin your dark crusade here on Earth." She challenged. Lady Nitro began to rise to her feet and meet this most awesome of foes. (Photo 14) "Such heroic drivel." Quipped the evil one. "Be silent!" He then unleashed a fury of raw, unbridled energy blasts on our young champion. "Aaaargh!!!!" She screamed as she is rocked by this power. (Photo 15) "NNNnnngghahh!!" She moans, as she never felt such pain before in her life. She tries to resist it. "Must…warn the others….must." she murmured to herself, willing herself to break free of the rays. (Photo 16) But she won't get the chance. Her body gives out under the relentless barrage and she finds sanctuary in the black oblivion of unconsciousness. "Can't …nnngh." her last gasps of defiance. (Photo 17) As the victor ceased his onslaught, he gazes upon the young warrior's prone, defenseless body, he ponders of what to do with her. "This is your lucky night girl. Normally I would have simply destroyed you or lock you away in one of my dungeons. But I can't risk having other super heroines come around here looking for you, it could ruin my plans." He snarled. (Photo 18) "Therefore I will erase the memory of our little encounter from your mind." A bright glow appears around Lady Nitro's head and her body began to stir, trying to hold on to the vital information, which was being erased from her mind. (Photo 19) Then it was over. The task complete and Lady Nitro soundly defeated, The Grim figure speaks, "and I shall dump you on the beach on the other side of the city. Without this memory you won't be able to warn your allies and I will have time to further plot my conquest of Earth. Don't worry, we'll meet again Lady Nitro and then you will meet your true fate along with the rest of the Earth. So proclaims Grimlord and the Black Inferno organization."

The Beginning

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