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Eep. Okay, Here's the page where I'm gonna list all the requests I've gotten. If you've requested a pic a long time ago and you don't spot it here, e-mail me again ('cause my dad wiped my hard drive).

I have a habit to doing my own thing so yes, the pics may take a long time to do. **sweatdrop** Gomen.

Thank you soooo much to the people who've e-mailed me and commented on my pics. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. If I didn't answer your e-mail, I'm so sorry, it's not because I don't want to, but for a couple of stuff my mail keeps getting sent back to me... **frown**

For now, please try to keep the number of requests low... or if you feel you must request, realize the fact that it your pic will take a loooong time to do. You have been warned. ;) guess that's it. :) Ja ne!

The request list: 

For: Of: Progress:
?? Fawkes ***
Adina Fred and George
AngelWillow2000 Herm/Draco
Lou Cedric Dolphin (animagus)
Ellen Sirius **
Brian Harry on broom
Shana Tai & Mimi
Christie Harry, Herm, Ron
Becca Herm/Harry & Ron
Gatillero Ranma
mmanganaro5 Angelranma and mega-unit 01
Eire Ann EireAnn de Balthasar *
DC GodLike **
Sarah DADA Harry **
Tabbycat2000 Marauders + 1

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Texture By Escati