First Thoughts___By Inaho (aka Sailor Deimos)

This story is a follow up to “Last Thoughts”, only this is from Lady Une’s point of view. You don’t have to read the first story to understand this one, but it might be kinda interesting. *Sigh* I’m not as happy with this story as I was with the first. Ah well.

Gundam Wing is © Sotsu Agency, Bandai and Sunrise. I don't own it.

First Thoughts
By Inaho (aka Sailor Deimos)

I love you, Treize.

Just now I realize that I am bending over the keys containing the self-destruct code for MO-II. It must be making the soldiers around me uneasy, seeing their new commander break down over such a dangerous set of keys. So I count to ten, take a deep breath and stand back up. Now is not the time to mourn. Now it is time for important decisions to be made.

I look at the screen in front of me. There is nothing left of the Tallgeese, not a scrap of metal or even a spark of the once magnificent blue mobile suit. Gundam 05 is hanging in space limply.

As you should, I think. I’m surprised at myself, though. The thought is bitter; yes, emotions about His Excellency’s death aren’t in the least bit disheveled. Should I be screaming threats at 05? No, I shouldn’t, I realize, because that’s not what His Excellency would have wanted.

What he would have wanted....?

“Colonel Une, your orders?” Someone inquires quietly behind me.

He would have wanted...

It dawns on me, and I turn to face my soldiers. I can tell just by taking a quick glance around the room that His Excellency’s death has taken a toll everyone. Shock, I can see lots of that; shock that their beloved leader is dead. It is soon replaced by grief and small amounts of anger. I face them and they face me. I am their leader now. It’s painful to see such pitiful looks on their faces. They’re strong, but at the same time they are so much like lost sheep in a storm, looking for their shepherd. That’s me, I suppose. I know what I must do is going to hurt most of them, but it needs to be done.

“Hail Libra.” I order. I do my utmost to remain calm. Still, the order sounds beaten. I’m annoyed at myself for sounding beaten. "Inform White Fang of the Earth’s surrender.”

“But Colonel-!” Someone has the audacity to protest.

“Don’t make me repeat such disgraceful words again!” I snap. How dare he question me? How dare he even think of going against His Excellency’s final wishes? “Inform them of our surrender now!”

I think I hear someone sigh, but I ignore it. Instead, I turn away and look at the communicator screen. I watch the battle raging in front of me begin to slow, and my thoughts turn back to His Excellency. I know why I’m not sad. His Excellency would have wanted to die this way, fighting a bloody battle made glorious by the will of soldiers to fight. His soldiers. He must have died happy. And if His Excellency is happy, then so am I.

“You were magnificent, Treize.” I say, wondering, for a fleeting childish minute, if maybe his soul heard me say good-bye.

© Inaho 2001