Name That Character!

Welcome to another exciting addition to the ToG: a game to test your anime IQ. Now, as with everything else on this site, this is not your typical IQ test. No siree-bob. It's a special one that required lots of time and TLC to bring it into being, so just follow the rules and enjoy!

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Bet we know the question pressing your mind right about now...

"Well, Kit 'n Kat, how do you play?"

We thought you'd never ask!

The rules are simple:

1. Study and stare (but no drooling, please) at the lovely faceless chibi-anime characters (courtesy of Kit) on each page, then try to identify them! Simple, ne?

2.You get 1 point for guessing the correct name of the character, and 1 point for guessing the correct series that character is from. So, for those math geniuses out there, that means you can score a total of 2 points per picture.

3. As of right now, there are 18 pictures to guess on, which means there's a total perfect score of 36 pts.

4. And remember, since we are fans of more than just the mainstream anime crap, there are some characters in here who aren't necessarily from a recent anime. Also, some are not just from TV anime, either...think manga/video games!

And remember, don't go Zero System like Quatre did when he played this game. Some of these characters are rather difficult to guess. But if you can guess 'em all, we commend you!

Gambatte, minna!

On To the Arena!