About The Creators...

Are you sure you wanna know?

Well, here's the place where you'll find out just who those crazy minds are behind this beautiful site! Or, in a different light, who the nutcases are who are so lacking a life that they have the time to do this...either way. ^-~ This is just a little intro page to give you an idea of who we are behind the scenes! Have fun!



Hey all! This is Kat here. I'm the one who's name frequently appears on the updates, although Kit's doing her fair share, too (but just between you and me...she really isn't. Seems like Duo's persona is rubbing off on her a little too much ^-^). As you've probably alreading figured out, I'm obsessed with Gundam Wing (especially Quatre; Quatre= Quat= Kat, do you follow?) as well as anime in general. I do have other things I do too, though, besides watch all my fave characters kick ass on the screen. I'm a high school student who plays tennis and lacrosse, white water rafts, kayaks, loves to write, and loves to shop. I have green eyes and blonde hair (which may explain why I like Quatre so much). I have a personality that matches Quatre-kun's, or so my friends say. Well, I know this has thrilled you but that's all there is! Thanks for reading! And remember the motto: Peace, Love, and Oro! (a la Rurouni Kenshin)

My sad attempt at a chibi-me...


Welcome! ::waves to everyone while wearing a Gundam Wing T-shirt:: I hope that you are enjoying your stay at the Temple O' Gundam. If you need anything, just call on me, Kit-chan at KitChanToG@aol.com and please tell us about broken links and such. So far, Kat-chan is doing a great job on updating the page! GO KAT! But, you're here about me right? Of course you are! For this section I thought that, to give you all the facts, I would travel to Tibet, find my inner peace and my real truth, but letz face the facts: I don't have the money to get there. So, you'll have ta deal with what I have. Other than spending my time obsessing over Gundam Wing, Duo, and all other anime that you can think of, I play field hockey, softball, and enjoy reading and sometimes writing fanfics. I never stop yacking on the phone and how I wish that I had Quatre's wealth, 'cause I'd go out and blow half muh money on clothes, CD's, and anime! Well, if you haven't figured out yet, which you should have, Duo is my fave character. Gotta love that boy! Ask Kat and she'll tell ya I have a personality to rival Duo, minus the whole Shinigami thing. Well minna, arigratou for visiting our site! And the motto is really Peace, Love, and Anime! ~Kitoshi