Those Things We Love to Hate...Updates »Home»Updates» |
Bonsoir, good people. Kat here again. I have some little things to comment on and tell you all about. Finished a short little fic that will be posted in the near future (aka, when I finish editing it). So keep checking back for that. I also finished Quatre's little adventure in the Journey to the Isle of MTV game we've concocted. Just Milliardo is left, and then Kit's scenarios, and we'll have a delightfully good time created for you! Kit's leaving for the anime con on Friday (yay! those are so fun), so I don't know when she'll get around to her part of that, though. But that's all for now, folks!
Welcome once again to the wide world of updates. Kit's gone to the anime con, leaving me behind. *sniff* ^_- Kat here and I actually accomplished a few productive things today! *gasp* Posted a new fanfic of mine in the Joyful Garden section of the fanfic archives. I wasn't real sure where to put it, but I figured that was the best place. I hope you like it! Also revamped the updates section, if anyone really cares ::insert cricket chirping:: . That's what I thought. Ja!
Gomen, it's been a few days, ne? Kat here with...hey! Whadda ya know? Not much! Joy! ^_^ Kit came back from the anime con on Sunday and will have some pics from that posted in the relatively near future. One big thing...we adopted Henry the Maguanac! More to come in regards to his future. Will hopefully get a new fic up for your enjoyment...soon. Also, we have a few ToG-made games in store for you loverlly people. Only Rashid knows! Ja!
Well golly gee, I must just spend way too much time on the Internet, ne? Kat again ::groaning is heard in the background::. What? No, Kit's not dead, just...busy. ^_^ Added 2 X/1999 fanfics to the Other Series Archive, so check those out. I've decided that, for that section, if either Kit or I stumble across a really good fic for a series we really like, we'll ask the author if we can put it up here. But we will not take submissions for that section. Gomen ne if that's a bother, but otherwise it would be fanfic overload! @_@
Weeeee! Kat here with some exciting (at least I think it is) news. The Fanart Archives are now up and running, baby yeah! I managed to get in some GW pics as well as 2 from other series (you'll see what I mean when you go there). Other than that, nada! Ja!
Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. No, I am not dead; Heero hasn't managed to successfully blow us up yet. ^_~ Kat here and guess what? That's right! Not much is new...gomen ne, I am so awful! ::bows profusely:: I've added a new Zelda link to our Other Anime Links section, as well as a new addition to our humor section. Check 'em! As soon as exams and finals are done and over with though, you'll see a lot of new stuff here (hopefully)! Arigatou!
Updates are coming few and far between, I know, but it's finals crunch time! Kat here. I added two new pics to the Other Series Fanart section (by me ^_^), so please check those out! I also decreased the size of several of the fanart pics to reduce upload time. I'm currently working on 2 fanfics right now and I'll get those posted as soon as I finish them! With regards to the brief appearance of the GW Music Section, my page was deleted so I have to find somewhere else to store the music. If you can help with this, please let me know! Bear with us; this may be the last update for about a week or so! Gomen ne...
Well hello again, minna! Kat here with a bit of news. I've done a major revision to the Japanese Section. Please check it out! This is my last update for about a week (again...) but not b/c of school! So I will most definitely update when I get back and most likely add a new fic to the archives! Ja!
Foorsooth, it's an update! Thought you'd never see one of these again, ne? Kat here and I've been back, just real busy writing 2 GW fics for you, my lovelies! I'm the process of posting a several (several) part DBZ fic of mine in the Other Series Archive. It's completely written and all, but I've only got the first 4 installments up. I'll keep y'all posted on that. Umm..what else to ramble about...oh yes! Kit is currently working very hard on a fun little game for you all to test your anime IQ with. That'll be up within the next few days. Other than that, nada!
YAY! AN ACTUAL CONTENT UPDATE! *Ahem*...yeah. ^_^ Kat here and I'm very happy to announce that we have a new game up in the Humor Section! It's a game called "Name That Character" and it's to test your overall anime IQ, not just that of GW. Please go check it out! Lots of time was put into making it! I'm afraid I don't have anything other than that, though. Gomen ne!
Housekeeping. Kat here and today was really just a general clean-up day. I did, however, post a new fic in the Joyful Garden section. It's a 1x2 story, and it's really cute (a little lemony though). Yeah, I know, we changed our policy, but what can you do? To survive, one has to adapt, ne? Ja!
Wow. I don't remember the last time this site went without an update for an entire 20 days. Kat here with a few treats for you, lovelies. First, added a spiffy fanart to the fanart section. Hope you enjoy it! Put up mad new Wufei pics in the Wufei Gallery. Also, added a teaser to the Asylum section of the Fanfics Archive. It's an idea for a new fic by Kit and myself. Hope you laugh yourself silly! Speaking of funny stuff, I also opened up the Isle of MTV Game in the humor section. Only a few characters are available, as Kit is stil working on her part of it. But the characters that are up are working great! Go check it out! Sadly, I shall be gone for about the next week, but I'm leaving you at the hands of (whoops, that should be in the hands of) Kit. Well, pets, I'm off. Toodles.
Ohayo minna-san! Kami-sama! I have not been here in a while! Why are you, our loyal visiters, not thorwing eggs at me yet? I think Kat is about to lob off my head. Well, I am here now, and ::rubs her hands together:: I've got some damage to do! Thinking about posting a fic in the near future. I have yet to work on my MTV part, but when I look at what Kat-sama has done, I get a little lost, so I'll resolve that soon. Look forward to it! Ja ne my pretties! ::runs off to her Anne Rice book::
Oi, it's been a while, ne? Kat here with a few goodies for you all but first...HAPPY B-DAY KIT! I know it's a day late, but better late than never, ne? ^^ Okay, now on with the update. Posted a new Kenshin fic of mine in the Other Series Archive, and Kit posted the sequel to her story, Iron Youth. Check 'em out, onegai! Next, I gave the main page a bit of a facelift. It should load a little faster now. Also, I added a new section to the ToG called Stuff. It's the place to find all miscellanious things. Lastly, I put up some new Slayers links in the Other Series Links section. All are wonderful and definitely worth a click. ^_~ That's all for now. Must rewatch the ending of Evangelion and try to understand...
Ugh. First off let me say that I hate school. Well, maybe it's just the fact that I have to wake up at the most undgodly hours of the morning to get there and sit through pre-calculus first bell. Whatever. Kat here with a delightful treat. Yes, I finally changed the Quote of the Week. Sorry for the delay! But I added 2 new chapters to my DBZ fic Until Forever Ends in the Other Series Archive. Please go read it! Other than that, school and physics have been taking up my spare time. Until we meet again!
"This will be a day that will live in infamy." And I'm not talking about Pearl Harbor, either. Thousands of people lost their lives today in the terrorist attacks that rocked America, and many, many children will go to sleep crying tonight because of it. I hope that the sick, sadistic bastards who did this know that they will have their mother fuckin' asses royally fried and served up to them on a silver platter with their country as a side salad.
On a less acrimonious note, I did manage to get a new fic posted in the Joyful Garden section. It's a yaoi/lemon just to let y'all know (I seem to be posting a lot of these, ne?). That's all I have for now. I'm currently working on a Gundam fic and a Slayers fic, so I'll post those when they're done. Until then...
First of all, I would like to send out my deepest condolences to my friend, Tom, who lost his sister, Kelly, in the Flight 11 crash on Tuesday. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hun...
Well, I got some big things accomplished today. Kat here with some fun stuff for y'all. First, I created a new Fandom Poll so you guys can give us feedback on the kinds of fanfiction we have here. So please go put in your 2 cents! ^_^ Next, and this one I'm really happy about, I finally got around to making a little place where you can chat with Henry, our adopted Maguanac. Please give that a whirl; I spent muchos time on it!
And please, please, keep all those affected by last week's tragedy in your thoughts!
Gomen nasai, minna-san! It's been quite a while since I've been back, ne? Kat here with a teenie update for you guys. I posted the third and final chapter of Becca Parsonage's story Heero and Duo and The Absolution. So check that out. I also moved it into the Melancholy Moods section of the archive. You'll see why... ^_^
I am currently working on my part of RUN! and that should be posted within the very near future. So keep your eyes out for that. I also added a new Quote of the Week. Maybe we should make that quote of the month, ya think? I'm not so good about updating that...Other than those trivial things, I gots nada for ya! Now I must be off to listen to The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack once again. Ain't Broadway a beautiful thing? ^_~
And be expecting a major site overhaul in the near future! This layout is just too random...^_^
Well, it's All Hallows Eve and what is Kat doing? That's right: studying for a big physics test. Just thought I'd let you know I'm currently devoting all my time on this site to a new layout. So if there isn't an update for a while, that's why. This place is big, man! ^_^ Ja!
Shall be lifted-nevermore!"