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In my absent mindedness, I've most likely stolen all the images on my page *sweatdrops* So to be fair (and hope no one comes after me in an insane rage) I'm linking to a few of the many wonderful Vampire Princess Miyu and Larva sites out there (Besides, they're better than mine ;;^_^;;).

The Guardian Miyu::One of the best sites I've seen dedicated to the VPM Tv series.

Vampire Miyu Image Archive:: What the name says.

Larva Gallery:: An very nice page with lots of Larva pics (hence the title ^_^)

Lord Dhampire's Larva Shrine:: Another wonderful image gallery

If you have an anime or manga page (preferably dedicated to Vampire Princess Miyu/Larva), feel free to send it to me and I'll put it up!